Author's Note

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*starts sobbing in a corner*
Y'all, I don't even know what to say. Truly. I'm feeling extremely overwhelmed right now (in a good way!) because I just can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that this book is over. I JUST FINISHED MY FIRST BOOK BABY AJDJKDKSKSK!!!!😭😭😭

I started reading at a young age, around 6 years old, because even at that age, I just knew that books were my everything - they helped me escape from reality, and they still do to this day. Fun fact, but I actually hated - no, more like LOATHED - writing until the age of 9. But thanks to some amazing English teachers, that hatred turned to tolerance and eventually to a passion for writing in middle school. I prolly wouldn't have written Mikhail and Luciana's story if it weren't for some of these fanfuckingtastic women🥺🤍

The whole point behind writing this story was to show that we, as humans, are flawed. We fuck up and make mistakes. I wanted to show that life is not always as rosy as it seems to the outside world. Just like how Luciana struggled with building new relationships and loneliness due to her past issues (something I struggle with on a daily basis as well) and how Mikhail carried the guilt and burden of not being a good older brother to Ilaria. What I'm basically trying to say is that this is normal. We all struggle in one way or another. Your pain is valid - always.

To say that Luciana and Mikhail have a part of me would be a gross understatement. This book contains many experiences that I've personally gone through in my own life.  Add to that that this is the first whole length novel I've written thus far, which means that it obv holds a very special place in my heart . So for me, completing my first book and putting it out there for people to read and judge feels HUGE to me...kinda like a monumental moment in my life rn hehe :)
Anyways, before I get even more emotional and start getting really philosophical, I'm gonna move onto the acknowledgements.

First and foremost, I'd like to thank every single reader out there who has voted and shared this story. I literally live for your comments because they never fail to put a smile on my face. When I had started posting initially, I only had a couple of reads, all thanks to my amazing and extremely loyal bookstagram friends. But now, here we are, at over 2.5K reads, which honestly feels fucking surreal.

I'd also like to thank my bestie, my ride or die, my other half...Zinnie (rinzlea). I wouldn't be feeling half as confident about my first book if it weren't for you and your reaction to Mikhail and Luciana's story. Thank you for being by my ya to the fucking moon and back baby🥺💗

Last but not least, I'd like to thank myself (getting Snoop Dogg vibes from this lmao ifykyk😂). For getting up everyday and for continuing to write this story - even at times when I felt like giving up. For pushing through to finish Unrequited Love while I had my workload looming over my head everyday. To be very honest, I had planned out this story to be very different originally but Mikhail and Luciana really said fuck it, we run this show. Those little shits wouldn't have let me live in peace if I'd left their story incomplete😂

With that being said, I'm gonna stop annoying you lovelies right now. Just an fyi tho...there's going to be a *very* important announcement that I'll be posting on my Instagram regarding Book 2 in this series, so keep your eyes peeled hehe👀

Until then, don't forget to tpwk besties and I hope that you've enjoyed reading about Mikhail and Luciana as much as I enjoyed writing about them🥺💗

So much love to every single one of you gorgey huns!🤍🤍🤍

Nikki xx

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