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~Wisteria's POV~

"Pick up your phone already." My friend, Judith, complained from the other room as my phone rang once again for the third time. I quickly dried off my hands after I finished washing them, having been washing the dishes before this.

"Fine, fine, gee." I laughed softly and entered the livingroom where she was sitting on the couch, my phone where I left it on the table by the front door. I picked up my phone and was a bit surprised to see that it was just Owen, my boyfriend, that kept on calling me. The call dropped right as I went to answer, forcing me to have to call him back. "There you are. I called you three times." Owen huffed into the phone grumpily, causing me to bite onto my bottom lip gently. "Sorry, I was in the middle of cleaning the kitchen. What's up?" I asked.

"I was calling to tell you the good news. I finally found a new job." He told me proudly, causing a wide smile to grow upon my face. "Really?" I gasped. "That's great!" I exclaimed excitedly, knowing that he had been struggling to find work for the better part of nearly two months now after getting fired from his last job. "Where at?" I wondered, making my way back into the kitchen with my phone up to my ear.

"Ah, just some office job, basically. I think it was at some place called Inc Yard. Sounds kind of stupid to me, but they said they'll pay me well." He remarked, the mention of the name making my ears perk up. "Oh, that's right across from that restaurant I really like!" I gasped, as he'd taken me there two or three times before. Owen paused and I frowned, knowing that he probably had no idea which restaurant I was talking about. "You know, Simon's?" I said, hoping it'd ring a bell in his memory. "Ah, yes. Right, Simon's." He chuckled. "Sorry, love. It's been a long day." He apologized, to which I smiled softly as I pushed myself up to sit on the island counter in my kitchen.

"That's okay. It is pretty late, anyways, so you're probably tired by now." I responded, kicking my legs as they dangled in the air. Owen had always been the type to fall asleep early, so I hadn't expected to get a call from him this late, being that it was past eleven o'clock at night.

"Yeah, and I'm supposed to start my first shift tomorrow morning, too. Eight AM sharp." He sighed, clearly not happy about that. Despite how early he went to bed, Owen never liked getting up early. "Aw, poor you." I teased, giggling softly. "Goodnight, love." He told me, a fond tone to his voice as he chuckled. "Goodnight, O." I responded, setting my phone on the counter after he had ended the call.

Judith came walking into the kitchen, her blonde hair falling down her back to her waist as she pushed it back. "What did he want?" She asked, likely having easily pieced together that it was Owen. "Oh, he was letting me know he finally got a job." I told her, hopping down from the island counter. She raised a brow and leaned against the counter across from where I stood, one angular, blonde brow arching up. "Only took him two months." She remarked dryly, not amused. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head, turning around to swing open the door to my fridge. "Give him a break. At least he found one." I responded in his defense, grabbing a cold can of orange soda.

"Pfft." Judith snorted at my defensive tone. "He wouldn't have to if he could keep a job. This is, what, his fifth job this year?" She scoffed, clearly not amused. She never had liked him just because of that, but I had gotten rather used to it by now. "His fourth." I responded matter of factly, only earning a flat, unamused look from her. "Right." She drawled. "Because that makes it so much better."

I cracked open my soda and waved a hand at her in a dismissive manner, not wanting to entertain the trash talking that she was doing. "Well, he has a job now, so it's fine." I said, walking around her to exit the kitchen.

Unsurprisingly, Judy followed right behind me, though not before grabbing her own soda from the fridge. "Yeah, yeah." She responded with disinterest, giving up on the conversation." You ready to finish the movie now?" She asked, reminding me that we had paused the movie around thirty minutes ago. I'd nearly forgotten. "Oh, yes." I gasped in excitement and plopped down on the end of the couch, curling my legs up beneath me. "Play it!" I demanded, tossing her the remote after she'd taken her seat as well.

Giving me an amused glance, she shook her head and pressed play, continuing the movie.

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