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~Wisteria's POV~

The rest of my day, thankfully, passed by rather normally after Mrs. Hoover's news of the fact that Mr. Carrillo would be coming around often and what I was expected to do. I headed back home to my apartment afterwards, managing to get off work when the Des Moines traffic wasn't too bad.

I stepped into my apartment and locked the front door behind me, my legs begging to be given a stretch due to the fact that I had spent a lot of the day sitting in a chair while editing. My back ached and my legs were dying for a good stretch, which is just what I decided to do after I changed into more comfortable clothes. The gentle cracking and popping sound of my bones had me groaning softly in content, a smile growing upon my lips when I heard my phone begin to ring only a minute or two later.

"Hi, O." I chirped happily into the phone, knowing that it was Owen calling me without even having to check. "Hey." He greeted with a deep sigh, sounding rather tired. I frowned slightly, sitting down on the edge of my bed. "Everything okay? How was your first day at work?" I asked, staring down at my painted toenails. Owen paused, a little bit of shuffling able to be heard from his end of the line.

"Eh, pretty boring, like I expected." He responded in a mutter, causing me to smile slightly. "There was a lot more shit I had to do than I thought, though, so I'm fucking tired." He added. I paused, able to hear just how tired he was when he let out a deep yawn. "Well, then go to bed, silly." I hummed, stretching my legs out in front of me. "We can always talk more tomorrow or something. When's the next time you're off?" I asked, earning a hum of thought from him. "Saturday, I think." He answered.

"Then we can go out somewhere on Saturday, if you're up for it..." I offered, biting gently on my bottom lip. I'd been hoping for a quick answer, but Owen hesitated, as if considering it. "I'll have to see. My mom wants to have a family dinner this weekend, so..." He trailed off, causing my lips to tug down in a slight pout. "Oh, okay. No biggie." I said softly.

Owen murmured a quiet apology and I frowned, assuring him that it was fine before we continued the light, barely there conversation. Eventually, I told him to go to bed, knowing that he was on the verge of falling asleep just from the sleepy tone to his voice. He took my advice, letting a quiet goodbye slip from his lips before he ended the call.


I woke up early the next morning, so early that I was awake before my alarm even went off. Okay, so only by thirty minutes, but that was still rather uncommon for me.

Knowing I'd need to be in for work soon, I took a quick shower before I began to get ready, starting with my makeup first after I'd taken my shower. That took me about twenty minutes, as it usually did, so I tried to be as fast as possible in picking out something to wear. Eventually I picked out a white crop top and a pair of dark sage green colored pants with flared legs that covered a bit of the white peep-toe pumps I wore with them. Perhaps the best thing about being Mrs. Hoover's personal assistant and editor was the fact that she gave me permission to wear pretty much whatever I wanted, as long as I wasn't trying to flash my goods in her workplace, as she'd once put it.

Leaving my black hair down, I tied a white headband around my head and pulled out a few stray hairs so that the strands would frame my face. With a spritz or two of perfume and a swipe of deodorant beneath my armpits, I was off to work for the day.

Not to my surprise, many of my coworkers seemed on edge yet again when I walked into the building, though none of them came to bombard me this time. I knew what they were all worked up over because it seemed Mrs. Hoover had been worked up over the same thing yesterday—Mr. Carrillo. He must've been a big deal, though I didn't really care very much who he was. As long as I did my job correctly and got paid, that was all I needed to know.

I took the elevator up to the top floor, just as I did every morning, and quickly made my way towards my small office that was about seven doors down from Mrs. Hoover's office. It was lucky that I even had an office, to be honest, considering I knew none of the other editors had their own. Again, being Mrs. Hoover's personal assistant has its perks.

I'd barely sat my butt down in my little rolling chair in front of my desk before the little two way intercom system beeped on my desk, Mrs. Hoover's voice coming through quickly after. "Ms. Summers, I need you in my office." She said, causing me to immediately stand up from my chair to hustle my way out of my office. I walked down the hall until I reached her office, quietly knocking on the door. "Come on in." She said immediately, knowing that it was only me. So I slipped inside, allowing the door to shut itself behind me while I turned to face her. Out of the corner of my eye I noted the presence of Mr. Carrillo, who seemed utterly impossible to miss in a room, but I didn't glance his way. "Was there something you needed, Mrs. Hoover?" I asked, brushing my hair over my shoulder.

Mrs. Hoover looked up at me from whatever she was working on at her computer and a smile formed, wrinkles creasing around her mouth as she did so. "Oh, actually it was Mr. Carrillo that wanted something, not me." She corrected, causing me to blink in surprise. Nonetheless, I gave a hesitant nod and turned my body towards the man sitting on one of the chairs against the wall, a way of showing that he had my full attention. "Then, you must want something. What is it, sir?" I asked him instead.

"Just a coffee." He answered in a murmur, flicking his eyes up to mine. "Black." He added. Mr. Carrillo met my brown eyes with his, the depths of those pale blue eyes and the way that he looked at me making me feel seen, more seen than by anyone before.

I couldn't tell if I found that unnerving or thrilling.

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