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~Wisteria's POV~

The lunch that Owen and I shared seemed to last forever. It was the first time that I had began to wish that a date between him and I would finally just end, and I felt guilty for wishing that.

I stretched my arms out as Owen and I exited the restaurant, the flow of relief that passed through me making my lips form in a small frown. Lately I had been feeling more displeased with our relationship, and I was trying my best to sort out the change in feelings. It was harder to do than it seemed, I had quickly come to learn.

"You know, I've missed that." Owen said as the two of us got into his car, buckling our seatbelts. I flicked my gaze over to him and brushed my dark hair out of my face, biting on the inside of my cheek. "Yeah." I agreed weakly, despite the fact that I didn't really feel the same way. If I was honest, I had spent much of our date wishing that I was spending my time with Cayn instead. "It's been a while." I added, fiddling with my fingers.

After the two of us finished buckling our seatbelts, I glanced out the windshield and bit on my cheek. He reversed out of the parking lot and began the drive back towards my office building, my eyes watching the scenery as it passed by. The drive was quiet and slightly tense, but I didn't try to break it or say anything to him. I had nothing to say in the first place, and I admittedly was glad that he didn't try to say or do anything either. He and I had already spoken about everything that there was to catch up on over lunch. Aside from my cheating on him, of course.

Owen parked his car just in front of the building, glancing over at me when I began to unbuckle my seatbelt and grab my purse. "I work pretty late tonight so I'm not sure if I'll be able to call you, but I'll see you soon, okay?" He told me with a smile, causing me to look his way. A frown sat on my face. "Okay." I simply agreed and nodded my head, as I was used to this by now. This was just the way that things were now, and the way that it had been for a while. There was no point in trying to talk to him about it again when I already had.

I mean, I had both called and texted him several times over the past few weeks, but he never seemed to have the time to respond. Even a lot of my text messages that I'd sent before bed had gone unanswered, so eventually I just stopped sending them.

Shaking my head to myself, I bid him a quiet goodbye and reached across the console to hug him before getting out of his car. I watched him drive off, standing on the curb in front of the office building, and pursed my lips once he was gone.

"Wisteria." I heard the sound of Cayn's low voice call my name and I turned around, blinking in surprise when my eyes landed upon his. A smile graced my features and the rate of my heartbeat spiked up once more. "Hi." I beamed, but he frowned at me in response and my smile quickly faded. Confusion took its place instead, causing my eyebrows to furrow. "What's wrong?" I asked him softly, undeniably nervous.

Cayn cocked up an eyebrow and pointed a long finger just behind me, right in the direction that Owen's car had driven off in. "You didn't mention the fact that your boyfriend works for me, you know." He stated, causing my jaw to slack in surprise and disbelief that he had figured it out. "How did you know that?" I asked, watching as the edges of his lips twitched into a smirk. "I do work there, silly. Obviously I have to see a lot of my employees, though most of them just in passing—including your little boyfriend." He told me.

I bit down on my bottom lip, shifting on my feet as I looked up at him. "Did you know that I was his boss before this started between us?" He asked, gesturing his finger back and forth between the distance between our bodies. "Yes, I did." I admitted, not seeing the point in lying to him now that he knew the truth. "Honestly, I doubted you even had seen him around or anything before, so I just didn't think it was noteworthy enough to say anything." I explained. The last thing I wanted him to think was that I'd kept this from him because of some weird sort of alternative motive. Cayn smirked and mirth sparkled within his gaze, making me cock my head to the side. "You're not mad?" I asked, a little surprised.

He chuckled and shook his head, the length of his strides making it easy for him to reach me in only a few steps. "Of course not." He muttered in response. "Just a little bit surprised. This doesn't change anything, though it might be a little bit odd for me to see him around the office when I'm there." He told me, earning a soft giggle that I failed to hide.

"Let's go inside." I said softly as I grabbed his hand in mine, pulling him along into the building so we weren't standing outside anymore.

Cayn followed me down the hall, squeezing my hand tightly as we waited for the elevator to come. "You're free this weekend, yeah?" He hummed, pressing himself close to my back. I could feel him close enough that the warmth of his breath fanned my neck teasingly, making my body shudder. "S-Should be, yes." I affirmed through a heavy breath. His lips twitched up and I felt his thumb brush gently along the back of my hand. "Good." He muttered. "Cause this seeing you during work hours isn't nearly enough."

The words were simple, but they made my heart flutter nonetheless. Owen never tried to even talk to me during work hours, and a lunch date him was a lucky miracle. I gazed up at Cayn and felt a heat in my chest, realizing how much I could have with a man like him.

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