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~Wisteria's POV~

Though I received a few texts and calls from Owen over the next few days, I didn't bother to respond to any of them. I didn't want to give him any ideas that I wanted to fix things, and I knew responding would do just that. Thankfully, he seemed to get the message and eventually stopped.

I woke up early on Thursday morning to get ready for work, taking a little bit longer in the shower to shave my body. Once I was done, I stepped out into the steamy bathroom and wrapped myself in a towel before returning to my room to begin getting ready. As quickly as possible, I did my usual makeup routine and then brushed out my slightly damp hair, leaving it down in loose curls along my back.

After I picked out a pair of undergarments, I headed into the closet to find something to wear, thumbing through the clothes hung up. I eventually decided on a simple white dress with thin spaghetti straps that went over the shoulders and a straight neckline, throwing on a long sleeved, cropped green cardigan over the top of it. As per usual, I slid my favorite white pumps onto my feet before I gathered my purse and phone to leave for the day.

I took the elevator up to the top floor once I entered the building after having arrived, blinking in surprise when I found Cayn leaning against the wall after the doors slid open. He smiled when he saw me, pushing off the wall as I exited the elevator and the doors slid shut behind me. "You didn't tell me you'd be here today." I mentioned, sounding slightly pouty even to my own ears. Of course, he just chuckled softly, and the sound caused my heart to flutter.

"I wanted to surprise you." He said, large hands stuffed into the front pockets of his dark pants. It was probably just because I hadn't seen him a few days, but he seemed to look even better than usual today.

A little grin formed on my lips as he pulled one hand from his front pocket to wrap his arm around my waist, tugging me into his chest. "How sweet." I teased, giggling softly to myself as I wrapped my own arms around him in return and cuddled into his chest. I found myself relaxed by his familiar scent, causing me to let out a sigh of content.

"I broke up with Owen a few days ago." I told him softly, realizing that I hadn't yet. It had somehow completely slipped my mind.

Cayn pulled away slightly to look down at me, my chin propping against his firm chest so I could peer up at him through my lashes. There was an endearing smile on his lips and a brightness in his eyes that made my chest warm. "Yeah? Did it go okay?" He wondered, long fingers brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. I paused, contemplating the answer, but I settled on nodding my head as I grinned up at him. "Certainly much better than I thought it would. I expected him to hate me, but he didn't even seem too surprised when I told him I cheated." I confessed, still a little stumped at the memory. Even so, I wasn't complaining.

"Considering he was probably the worst boyfriend, I can't say that I'd have been surprised if I was in his shoes, either." He teased, causing me to laugh and roll my eyes. I elbowed him in the side and he smirked, ducking down to place a slow, deep kiss on my lips that caught me off guard. My fingers clutched at the fabric of his shirt, surprised at first, but I relaxed into him easily and hummed in delight.

He groaned softly and nipped at my bottom lip, breaking the kiss just enough to brush his mouth teasingly over mine. I breathed heavily, trying to seal our lips again, and he smirked slightly as he leaned his forehead into mine. "You know I love you, yeah?" He murmured, the words causing my heart to race and a heat to creep through my body. Though the words somehow didn't surprise me, I still found myself overwhelmed by them. "I know." I affirmed softly, my blush hidden by the makeup on my face. "And you know I love you, right?" I whispered, almost shyly. It felt like it had been a long time since I had not only said the words, but also meant them so sincerely.

A wicked, playful grin slipped onto his handsome face. "Mm, I dunno.." He teased. "Maybe I will if you say it one more time for me." He said, causing me to scowl and pinch him through his shirt, to which he just laughed and hugged me tighter to his chest.

"I'm teasing, sweetheart." He hummed, smiling slyly. "I'd be an idiot not to recognize it, and an even bigger one not to take it as a blessing." He told me lowly, gently kissing the side of my head. I buried my face into his chest, trying to will away the blush in my face, and clutched tightly to his shirt. It was the first time that I had felt like a man truly loved me, and the first time it felt as though my feelings weren't taken for granted.

It was a strange, full feeling, and I couldn't remember ever feeling so content within a relationship. For the first time, I felt like I wasn't the only one trying, and I didn't feel as if only I cared. Even when he was just standing here like this, holding me, it was soft and familiar and all I could want. I, for once, felt that love was gentle and beautiful, and I wondered how I had ever settled for anything less.

Perhaps the most strangely beautiful thing of all was knowing that I'd never have to settle again.

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