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~Wisteria's POV~

"How'd your date with Owen go yesterday?" Judith asked with a chirp as I spoke to her on the day the next day, getting ready for work. I cringed, shaking my head to myself as I looked around for the lip-gloss that I wanted to use. "Don't even ask because it didn't happen." I said with a sigh, a frown forming on my face.

Judith paused. "What do you mean? You have been talking about it all week, Ter." She said, clear confusion and concern within her soft voice. I sighed heavily and finally found my lip-gloss, snatching it up off of the floor where it had fallen beside me. "Yeah, I know." I grumbled. "But something came up last minute, so he wasn't able to make it." I told her, unscrewing the lid on my gloss. I heard her huff loudly through the phone, as I had it on speaker in front of me on my vanity. "Did he even say what exactly came up?" She asked, clearly upset on my behalf. I smiled softly. "No, but it was probably work related. It's still a new job, you know." I responded.

She huffed. "Yeah, maybe he can use that excuse now, but what about the other times, Ter? He always cancels last minute." She complained, earning a soft giggle from me as I began to apply my lip-gloss. "He always makes it up to me, Judy." I said in response, which just made her scoff. "Yeah, just to do it again. That's not making up for it, Teri." She said smartly.

I closed my lip-gloss again after I finished using it, frowning. "Just drop it, please." I sighed, deciding that this argument wasn't worth having with her. Nothing would change her mind, not about this.

Though she clearly wasn't happy about it, she dropped the subject of Owen. "Fine, fine." Judith mumbled. "Then if you didn't go on a date with Owen, what did you do yesterday? Hopefully not just wallow alone in your apartment." She asked, a tiny smile tugging up on the edges of my lips as I glanced up at myself in the mirror and finished off the last bit of my makeup. "No, I didn't." I assured her. "I actually just had lunch with that guy I told you about. You know, Mr. Carrillo, remember?" I said, earning a soft giggle from her.

"Ooh, really? Lunch?" She echoed, a teasing tone to her voice. "And how was that? Did you guys have a nice time?" She asked with hope. I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly what that she was trying to hint at. "Yes, we did." I said dryly, not amused with her. "And before you can even think of asking, no, obviously nothing happened. I have Owen." I added, already knowing that she was going to ask. Practically any time that I spoke in a civil manner with someone that wasn't Owen, Judith seemed to find it fit to try to urge me towards them. That's how much she didn't like Owen.

Judy huffed. "I wasn't going to ask that!" She exclaimed in defense, though I knew that certainly wasn't true because she had a habit of doing it. "Yeah, yeah, sure you weren't." I snickered, rising from the comfort of my chair. "Anyway, I should let you go. I've got to get dressed so I can get to work before I'm late and Mrs. Hoover gets mad." I told her.

Although she pouted slightly, Judith reluctantly bid me goodbye before hanging up the call, leaving me to do my business. I set my phone down on top of my vanity and wandered into my closet, beginning to look for something to wear to work. Quickly as possible, I pulled on a pair of stockings that matched my skin-color, shimmying my way into them before I grabbed a dress from one of the hangers and pulled it down. The bandeau-style dress was white with pale blue flowers on it and a small slit up the right thigh, grabbing a cropped long sleeved, pistachio colored cardigan to pull on over the top of it.

I grabbed a white purse to put my phone into and grabbed a pair of white pumps, slipping my feet into them before I exited the closet. Lastly, I spritzed myself with a bit of perfume before I left my apartment, taking the elevator down to the first floor.

The drive to the office didn't take too long, though I did stop at Starbucks along the way to quickly get myself a coffee, since I didn't have the time to make any at home. I headed up to the top floor as quickly as possible, blinking in surprise when Mrs. Hoover was stood just outside of the elevator as soon as the doors slid open, leaning her weight onto one leg impatiently. "Oh, Mrs. Hoover. Good morning." I greeted her, holding my cup as I stepped out of the elevator before the doors slid shut behind me.

She crossed her arms over her chest. "Ms. Summers, you are...." She glanced at the old watch on her thin, freckled wrist. "Ten minutes late." She finished. I gave her a sheepish smile. "Sorry, ma'am. I decided to stop to grab a coffee and it took a little longer than I thought it might." I told her honestly, brushing a strand of my dark hair back. Her eyes narrowed down at me and I shifted on my feet uncomfortably, hoping that she wasn't too upset. "Fine. Just grab me lunch from that one Mexican restaurant I like and we'll call it even." She said, earning a nod from me in agreement.

Mrs. Hoover turned on her heels and I hurriedly followed behind her, my heels quietly clacking against the linoleum floors. "Is Mr. Carrillo in today?" I asked, unable to help my curiosity. She turned her neck ever so slightly, glancing at me over her shoulder with a thin brow arched at my question.

My face burned slightly at the look that she was giving me, but I was grateful that she couldn't see it due to the makeup I wore. I didn't shy away, not wanting to seem odd. She turned her head back around and sighed heavily. "Yes, he is. He'll be working in your office today, actually." She said. "But you'd better not bother him unless he asks for something because he's incredibly busy today. He's working up plans on what he wants the advertisement to be like, so don't bother him. Got it, Ms. Summers?" She told me firmly, making it rather clear that she was very serious.

Despite the fact that she couldn't see me, I nodded my head hurriedly, the action making my black curls bounce slightly. "Yes, ma'am. Won't bother him at all." I chirped, taking a sip from my coffee. Mrs. Hoover reached the door to her office and opened it, sparing me a glance with a soft, fond smile before she slid into the office and let the door swing shut behind her.

I headed down the hall towards my own office, poking my head into the room once I cracked the door open. Just as she'd said, Mr. Carrillo was indeed in my office, sitting at the wide couch with a laptop sat atop his muscular thighs. He seemed to be hard at work, long fingers clacking against the keys of the keyboard with speed as he typed something up.

Not wanting to disturb him, I quietly stepped inside and gently shut the door, the soft sound catching his attention nonetheless. He stopped typing and lifted his head to glance up at me, striking blue eyes piercing into my brown ones. "Ah, there you are." Mr. Carrillo said, leaning back into the couch a bit. "I was beginning to think I had the wrong office." He admitted, earning a small smile from me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb." I responded softly, striding over to my desk where I placed my coffee and set down my purse.

"You didn't disturb anything." He assured, the feel of his gaze still on me causing me to glance over at him once more. I smiled at him and pushed my hair out of my face when a strand fell forward. "Mrs. Hoover said you'll be working in here today. Obviously, you can just let me know if you want or need anything, Mr. Carrillo." I told him. It was part of my job, after all.

"Cayn." He stated, causing me to blink at him in surprise. His eyes stared at me intently. "I'd prefer it if you called me Cayn, Wisteria." He said, but I hesitated, biting on the inside of my lip. "But I'm at work...." I trailed off with uncertainty, cocking my head to the side. A dark brow of his was lifted and he stretched a long, muscular arm out along the back of the couch. "And?" He responded with disinterest. "I'm still not your boss, and Mrs. Hoover still isn't around to scold you for it. Even if she was, I asked you to." He reasoned.

After a moment of consideration, I gave him a nod of my head. "Okay, okay." I smiled slightly. "I thought you wanted me to call you that only outside of work, but I guess if you insist...it can't hurt."

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