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~Wisteria's POV~

After over a week passed of trying and failing to get ahold of Owen, I gave up on attempting to schedule a day and time to meet up with him. He kept saying he'd take the time to meet up with me, but he still had yet to do and nearly two weeks had passed since I asked.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands, even if that meant I was visiting him at work today. He would definitely be there, and he couldn't just brush me off if I refused to leave.

I got dressed early on Saturday morning, as I didn't have to work today and had planned to instead meet up with Owen. Putting this off wasn't going to help anything. In fact, it'd probably just make matters worse.

Once I took a shower and did my makeup as I usually did, I entered my closet to pick out an outfit. I picked out a white crop top with spaghetti straps that tied at the shoulders and then pulled on a cute, baby blue colored skirt with a silky floral pattern on it. As per usual, I pulled on a pair of white pumps and ran my fingers through my hair as I left my bedroom, fiddling with my keys.

The drive to Cayn's office wasn't as long as I'd thought it would be from my apartment, and though I would've been happy to see him normally, I hoped I didn't run into him while here. I needed to speak to Owen and seeing Cayn would probably make me feel worse about it.

My pumps quietly tapped against the floor as I entered the building, unable to help the goosebumps that rose on my skin when I did. It was surprisingly cold in the building, in comparison to Mrs. Hoover's.

Unsure where exactly to find Owen, I wandered around the first floor cluelessly, knowing that he was here due to the fact that I'd seen his car out in the parking lot. All I had to do was find him, which I managed to do after about five more minutes of mindless searching. I managed to spot him at a desk when I entered a new section on the first floor, close to an elevator, and couldn't help but to sigh in relief as I made my way over.

Owen didn't notice me as I approached, seeming to be rather busy with something on his computer, but I didn't care. It was about a little before one PM, and judging by the takeout on the side of his desk, I assumed he was still on lunch break. I stopped in front of the desk he was at, a frown on my face as he glanced up at my arrival with a furrow in his brow. The second he saw it was me, however, a smile broke out across his face and he rose from his chair. "Hey!" He grinned at me. "What are you doing here, love?" He asked, confused and curious.

I stared at him for a moment, giving him a weak, tiny smile. "We need to talk, O." I told him, the seriousness within my voice causing his smile to fade and worth to cross his face. It wasn't a common occurrence within our relationship for me to be asking for serious talks, especially not lately.

"Right, um, okay." He nodded his head and hesitantly sat back down in his chair, glancing up at me as I remained where I stood on the opposite side of his desk. I didn't want to make myself comfortable. "Is something wrong?" He asked, a furrow formed between his brows. The question had me pursing my lips as I looked at him, deciding that I couldn't sugar coat things with him about this.

"We should break up." I told him, and it was clear by the widening of his eyes that those weren't the words he was expecting to hear. "I cheated on you, and I have been for a while now. I don't want to keep stringing you on, wasting your time." I added quickly, not wanting to give myself the chance to back out of saying it. The look on his face was one of utter disbelief, but somehow he didn't look all that surprised by the news. I frowned to myself when he suddenly shook his head, confused by his actions. "Break up?" He asked, as if he hadn't heard anything else I'd said, or as if he didn't care. Now I was the stunned one.

"Y...Yes." I stammered, unsure why he was brushing my confession off like it was nothing. He didn't even seem angry, and I couldn't fathom why.

"You don't mean that, Ter. We've been together for a long time. You love me. Right?" He frowned, and I furrowed my brows further together. I wasn't sure what to say, so I ended up just staring down at him. "Look, I know these past few months have been hard, but I don't think it's worth breaking up over. I get that you made a mistake, but we can fix this." He insisted, to which I gave a hesitant shake of my head. "No, I don't think y—" I tried to explain more to him, but he rose from his chair and walked around to be closer to me.

"Shh. You don't have to try to explain. I know you love me, Teri, and that's enough to fix this. Won't you at least try?" He asked in a murmur, giving me a smile.

I was stunlocked and confused by his unusual behavior, frowning as I scratched at the back of my neck. "You're mistaken, Owen. I don't love you anymore, and I haven't for a while. You say that we can fix it, but our relationship has been in shambles for months and I was the only one even trying to keep it together. I don't want to do that anymore, and I won't. We're done." I told him, the firmness in my tone not leaving room for any negotiation.

Owen frowned deeply, seemingly struck by my words, but I refused to take them back or try to make it better. "I'm sorry that I cheated, but that's the only apology you're going to get from me. I hope you don't hate me and that you can find someone who is good for you someday." I said softly, peering up at him. He seemed stunned by my words, unable to say anything even when I turned around and began to walk away, which I was secretly grateful for. I didn't want to argue or to convince him.

I left the building as fast as possible, feeling much lighter than when I entered it.

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