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~Wisteria's POV~

I yawned as I woke up late the next day, having slept it all away since I had the day off anyways. My eyes flicked to the clock in the windowsill beside my bed to see that it was almost one PM, meaning I'd slept even later than I thought. I didn't mind, though. Besides, I felt refreshed after sleeping for so long. It wasn't common for me to be able to sleep in, after all.

After a little while of laying in bed, I eventually forced myself to get up and head into the bathroom to shower. Judith and I had made plans yesterday to hang out, and I didn't want to risk being late. I tried to be as quick as possible in taking a shower, wrapping myself in a towel once I stepped out. My long hair often took a while to dry, so I decided to blow dry it so I didn't have to wait. Once it was dry, I exited my bathroom and made my way to my vanity to begin to do my makeup, not bothering to put on any clothes until after my makeup was done.

First I picked out a pair of cute undergarments, putting them on before I headed into my closet to find something to wear. I picked out a cute, pastel blue dress with white lace trim along the breast-line and the bottom of my dress, patterned with little white flowers on it. Wanting to wear something over the top of it, I grabbed a soft hoodie that was a few shades darker than the blue of my dress, slipping my feet into a pair of white converse. My long black hair fell down my back in loose, glossy curls that reached the bottom of my spine. I quite loved my hair.

As I was putting on a little bit of deodorant, my phone pinged with a text from Judith, letting me know that she was waiting for me in the parking lot in front of my apartment. I spritzed a bit of perfume on and grabbed my phone, putting it in the pocket of my unzipped hoodie as I left to meet her.

"Finally." Judy huffed as I got in her car, slamming the passenger side door shut. "There you are." She said, starting the car up while I pulled on my seatbelt. A sheepish smile formed on my lips as I spared a glance her way. "Sorry. Were you waiting long?" I asked, brushing my hair back behind one ear. She gave a shake of her head and drove out of the parking lot. "No, not really." She admitted with a giggle. "I'm just dramatic."

The edges of my lips tugged up into an amused smile. "Where are we going?" I asked, as we hadn't made any plans as to what exactly we were going to do today. Neither of us were very good at planning ahead, so we usually ended up just going with the flow of things. Sometimes that ended badly, but not often.

Judith looked at me briefly out of the corner of her eye, a smile on her face. "Well, I figured that we could go get something to eat first. Knowing you, I'm sure you haven't eaten anything yet, huh?" She said, continuing down the road. I shrugged. "I might've overslept a little bit today, so no. Not yet." I admitted sheepishly. That seemed to please her.

"Good." She chirped. "To lunch it is."


"How have things been? I haven't seen you in about two weeks." Judith pouted as we sat across from one another at a table, eating. I twirled my straw around inside my cup of tea and frowned. "About as good as always, I guess." I answered, uncertainty in my voice.

She took a bite out of the chicken on her plate and cocked up a brow, narrowing her gaze at me. "I see you're still a shit liar, so at least that's the same. Spill it." She said with a roll of her eyes, not buying my lie for a second. I should've expected it, honestly. There was no point in lying to Judy when she could almost always read through me. Nobody had ever been able to see through me like she did—that is, until Cayn. It was almost too easy for him, and I couldn't say why.

My eyes flicked down to my half empty plate and I took a sip from my tea. "It's about Cayn." I said, peeking up at her nervously. She stared back at me, clueless, and I cocked up a brow. "Mr. Carrillo?" I tried, watching as recognition flashed across her face immediately. Very quickly after, she grinned as wide as the Cheshire Cat and a playful glint sparked in her eyes. "Oh, a first name basis with him now?" She teased, giggling like a little girl. My face burned and I huffed, stabbing my fork into the plate of spaghetti I was still eating. "Shut up." I grumbled.

A soft laugh left her. "Okay, sorry." She apologized, still smiling. "What about him?" She asked with a curious tilt of her head. I paused, swallowing the bite of food in my mouth.

For a moment, I just stared at my best friend, wondering if she would think less of me for what I was about to tell her. I shook my head to myself, not wanting to back down before I could even say anything, and opened my mouth. "He says he wants me, and he compliments me all the time and I just...." I cleared my throat as I set down my fork, leaning into the table slightly. "I'm not sure what to do, Judy. I want him and I know that I shouldn't." I admitted quietly, so only she could hear me.

Judith's eyes softened. "You like him?" She asked, earning a weak nod from me. "I do, but I love Owen. I'm a terrible person, feeling like this about another man." I told her, tears pricking the back of my eyes. I blinked them away and shook my head to myself, not wanting to cry over this. It'd solve nothing.

There was a brief silence as Judith digested my words, a thoughtful look on her face. I bit down on the inside of my cheek and waited as patiently as I could to hear what she had to say. Eventually, she smiled. "If you both want each other, why not, Ter?" She said, causing my jaw to slack in shock. That wasn't exactly what I had expected her to say, but in hindsight perhaps I should have. She had never liked Owen, after all.

"But it's wrong. That's cheating, J." I whispered, brows furrowed in contemplation. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, raising a sassy brow. "And?" She responded. My lips remained parted, still unsure what to think of her response. I did want Cayn, I mean I'd never been so undeniably attracted to a man before, but I had never even considered cheating on Owen before now. Yet here I was, seriously contemplating it.

"I'm such a terrible person." I whispered to myself, frowning. Judith shot her foot out, kicking me roughly in the shin beneath the table. "Stop it." She scolded me, frowning angrily. "Look, babe, I'm not trying to convince you to do or not do anything. You're a grown woman, after all. I will say, though, that you deserve something good, Teri. You deserve to be with someone who cherishes you enough to at least make it to a date. Owen didn't even fucking call to cancel when he couldn't make it, again." She said, scowling to herself at the thought of him. I remained quiet, not having anything to say or rebuttal with.

As much as I hated myself for it, I understood and even slightly agreed with what she was saying. Owen wasn't the perfect boyfriend at any point, but lately I felt even worse. He didn't want to get intimate and wouldn't even have a conversation about or consider the idea of moving in together. He never seemed to be able to make time for me—not for a date, not even just to see me for a few hours over the weekend. It felt like I was lucky if I got to talk to him a couple times a week over the phone, and even that wasn't a guaranteed thing. I hadn't seen him in almost two and a half weeks.

I took another bite of my food as I stared at the table in thought, but even I knew I'd already made up my mind about what to do before even asking Judith.

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