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~Wisteria's POV~

The rest of that day passed by slowly, my shift coming to an end at just a little before eight PM. Mrs. Hoover had already left and gone home, but Mr. Carrillo had yet to leave, his large frame lingering still on the couch as I tidied up my desk while I got ready to leave.

"You didn't have to stay here with me, you know. I know you've been done with your work for a while now." I told him softly, grabbing my purse from atop my desk. He shrugged his shoulders and rose to his towering height, not seeming at all bothered by having stayed here with me. "I didn't mind it." He assured me with a smile, one that made my stomach flutter. I bit down on the inside of my cheek and shooed away the butterflies. "Are you heading home now?" He asked, following me out of the office and into the empty hallway.

I glanced at him over my shoulder and nodded my head, curls swaying. "Mhm. I'm gonna take a hot bath, maybe watch a movie, and then go to bed." I said, sighing to myself with longing at the thought. It had been a while since I'd taken a bath, mostly because I often did it when I was stressed.

Cayn followed close beside me, the skin of his strong hand brushing against my smaller one. Goosebumps spread up my arm and I hoped it was subtle when I promptly clasped my hands together in front of me as I walked with him, glancing up at him. "Sounds like you'll have a nice night, then." He hummed, peeking down at me when he felt me looking. Our eyes met and a warmth fled up my neck, filling my cheeks at the dark glint within his gaze. "Yeah." I whispered, diverting my gaze in attempt to control the way that he was making me feel.

He reached out as we reached the elevator, pressing the button to summon it. "You seemed a little bit upset earlier. The boyfriend?" He suddenly brought up, sinking his hands into the pockets of his slacks. I paused, a little taken aback by the sudden question, but I gave a slight nod of my head. "Yeah, that was him." I confirmed, stepping into the elevator with him after the doors slid open.

I pressed the button to go to the first floor, glancing up at him as I felt his gaze on the side of my face, watching me. "Is everything okay, though?" He asked, the concern that he was showing making me feel all warm inside. Unsure how to respond at first, I just stayed silent, debating with myself on what to say. It wasn't exactly professional of me to tell him all of my problems that I was having in my relationship, after all, and I didn't want him to think worse of me if I told him. Seeming to somehow know that I wasn't sure if I should share, Cayn gently nudged me with his elbow, causing my gaze to flick up to meet his. "You don't have to be scared to tell me, Wisteria. I'm asking because I want to know, if you want to let it out." He said.

Though I remained quiet for a moment, I nodded my head as the elevator doors slid open when we reached the first floor. "Well, Owen and I are just have a little bit of trouble lately. He has been pretty busy, so he doesn't have very much time for me. It'll pass." I explained softly, the two of us headed down the hallway towards the front door together. Cayn frowned, furrowing his dark brows as he followed me out the door. I could tell he had something on his mind, but he decided not to comment on it. Part of me wanted to know what he was thinking, but the other half was almost sure it'd be better not to.

"How long have you two been together?" He asked, causing me to smile slightly. "Just a little over a year." I answered, digging into my purse for my keys as we began to near my car. I let my eyes flick up to him once I found them, curiously cocking my head to the side. "What about you? Anyone special in your life?" I wondered.

A low chuckle left his lips. "No." He said, giving me a lingering glance before he looked away. "Not yet." He added. I couldn't help the flood of relief that I felt, only making me feel guilty. It was unfair and selfish and wrong of me to feel that way, especially when I had Owen.

"O-Oh." I whispered, biting gently on the inside of my bottom lip. "Then, you have someone in mind?" I asked curiously, causing his mouth to tug up into a slight smile. "Yes." He affirmed. My gut churned with undeniable jealousy and I cleared my throat, quickly unlocking my car as I attempted to ignore the ugly feeling. "But she seems to be off limits, for the time being." He said, gaze pinned on the side of my face.

It took me a moment before it dawned on me just what he was insinuating, causing my face to burn hotly. My car chirped as it was unlocked and I turned to look up at him, peering at him from beneath my lashes. "I hope you're not hinting at what I think you are." I told him quietly, though even as I said the words I wasn't sure if they were true.

Cayn stepped closer to me, his frame towering over mine as he pressed closer until I was against the side of my car, flustered from how close he was. The scent of brown sugar and something herbal, like a dash of sage, wafted closer to me as his impressive height dwarfed me before him. "And if I am?" He hummed, cocking up a brow. It took everything within me to barely manage not to swoon, heart fluttering at his scent and how close he was to me. Of course, it didn't help that he was saying these things to me, or that he looked intimidatingly handsome even through the dark night.

My lips parted in surprise, clutching tightly to my keys. "But I have a boyfriend." I said weakly, nails fiddling with the rugged edges on the one side of my keys in attempt to curb how nervous I was feeling.

"So I've heard, unfortunately for me." He chuckled, sinking his large hands into the front pockets of his slacks. I frowned, wondering if I had made a mistake in telling him about my relationship with Owen. "Don't worry. I'm not going to try anything, but I'm not really known for being subtle, sweetheart." He added, seeming to notice the look on my face.

"What does that mean, then, Cayn?" I asked softly, shivering as the wind began to pick up slightly. He scanned his eyes over my face, lingering on my lips perhaps a little longer than necessary. "It means I'm not going to pretend like I want to just be friends, Wisteria, and I'm not going to apologize for it, either. I won't neglect my own feelings, but I also won't do anything you aren't comfortable with." He told me, his words causing me to go silent, stunned.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, and even more so I couldn't believe that I felt excited, knowing it was me he wanted.

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