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~Wisteria's POV~

Saturday eventually rolled around without much happening throughout the week, excitement making it hard for me to fall asleep despite the fact that I had only woken up at eight AM. I didn't even wake up that early for work, but Owen had promised that we'd be going on a date today, so I was excited. We hadn't been on a date in a long time.

After failing to fall back asleep, I eventually decided to just get out of bed and take a shower to begin to get ready for the day ahead. I showered quickly and shaved my body, not having shaved in a few days now, before I got out and wrapped myself in a towel to dry off. Owen and I were supposed to get together to have lunch somewhere, as he and I hadn't spent much time together lately. Ever since he started his new job, we haven't had much time to even talk to one another, either, so I was excited for our date today.

I began to do my makeup after my shower, taking my time since I didn't really have to hurry considering he and I weren't to meet up for a couple more hours. Once my makeup was done I pulled on a pair of cute undergarments, hoping that maybe our date would go well enough that he'd end up seeing the cute underwear I picked out. Owen and I had known each other for a few years now, as friends, but he hadn't started to date me or even see me romantically until around a year a go. I, on the other hand, had been crushing on him for a while before that.

Despite Owen and I having been dating for almost a year, he seemed to have little to no interest in having sex with me or even touching me, really. Out of our year of being together, we'd had sex only three times. Three.

At times, this concerned me, especially when our relationship had first started. I worried that he didn't find me attractive enough to want to sleep with me, and sometimes I still did, I would admit. Through-out our friendship, I'd seen the type of girls he would check out, and none of them were the type that looked anything like me. Granted, he'd always seemed attracted to women with darker hair, he seemed to prefer women with small frames. My body simply wasn't built that way.

With wide hips and an ample chest, I'd spent a lot of my life trying to cover my body, worried that my curves would attract negative attention. It had taken me a while before I managed to accept my body, that it was mine and I should learn to wear what I wanted instead of hiding beneath clothes that just made me feel worse about myself. Wearing baggy clothes had been my way of staying comfortable, reclusive and withdrawn from other people, but I eventually decided that I didn't want to stay that way. I shouldn't feel like I have to. So I began wearing makeup, dressing in clothes that I liked, even if it got me stared at.

Of course that didn't eliminate my insecurities, especially being in a relationship where Owen doesn't show much physical interest in me, but it did make me feel more self-assured.

I sat down on the edge of my bed and sighed to myself as I flopped back onto my blankets, wondering if I should even bother wearing cute underwear. I mean, Owen liked to kiss me, but he never went beyond that, most of the time. After our relationship started and I began to realize that this would just be a normal thing, I instead had to resort to other methods as a sexual outlet. Not ideal, but it kept me sated, at least.

Eventually I brushed my worries off, reassuring myself that wearing cute undergarments couldn't hurt, even if Owen didn't end up seeing them. I grabbed my phone from beside my bed, stretching my legs out beneath my blankets as I tried to pass the time.

A few hours passed by before I eventually set my phone down and rose from my bed to find something to wear, as I hadn't picked out an outfit yet. I entered my closet and picked out a beige colored skirt that hugged my curves, pulling on a pale pink, cropped t-shirt over my head that had a picture on the front of two kittens. Lastly, I grabbed a pair of white, high-top converse and slid my feet into them, tying the laces up after they were on my feet.

Knowing that Owen was supposed to be meeting me soon, I grabbed my purse and hurried out of my apartment to head down to my car, not wanting to keep him waiting. The restaurant he wanted to go to, as I'd let him pick the place this time, was one called Bubba. I'd never been, but when I entered the restaurant I quickly realized that it was one with Southern food, the delicious aroma within the air making my stomach rumble.

The waitress at the front desk let me head to a table after I gave her the information that I was meeting someone here, so I went ahead and took a seat at a random table, setting my purse atop it. I crossed one leg over the other, the minutes ticking by as I waited for Owen to arrive. As I waited, the minutes ticked by until five minutes of waiting turned to ten, then to thirty. Before I even knew it, an hour had passed and Owen still had yet to arrive.

"Ms. Summers?" I heard someone's voice speak up, causing me to jolt in surprise at the sudden mention of my last name. My head lifted and I blinked, lips parting as I stared up at Mr. Carrillo, who seemed just as surprised to see me here as I was to see him. Curiosity sparked in his bright blue eyes as he stared at me. "M-Mr. Carrillo." I stammered, gathering myself. "I'm surprised to see you here." I told him, watching as his full lips twitched up. "I could say the same to you." He responded. "What are you doing here on your own?" He asked, cocking up a dark brow.

I paused, an embarrassed heat creeping up my neck and into my cheeks. "Oh, um...waiting for someone. It seems like they may not be able to make it, though." I answered with a weak shrug. I couldn't believe I was telling this man that I'd essentially been stood up, and by my own boyfriend at that.

Mr. Carrillo crossed his arms over his broad chest, the action making his biceps bulge. "No?" He hummed. "Sounds like you could use some company, then." He mused, surprising me when he reached a hand out to grab the back of the chair in front of me, sparing me a glance. "Do you mind?" He asked, waiting for my permission. I hesitated at first, but then I shook my head quickly and gestured towards the seat. "Not at all. I'd like the company, actually." I admitted, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

He sat down across from me and my shyness fought to suffocate me as I met his gaze, realizing what I had just done.

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