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~Wisteria's POV~

As promised, I got a phone call from Cayn later that night while relaxing in bed, the mere sight of his name causing my heart to skip. I couldn't help the stupidly large smile that was on my face when I accepted the call, his low voice greeting me in a murmur through the line.

"You called." I said, the smile on my face refusing to fade. He chuckled and the warm sound made my chest feel full of light. "I did say that I was going to." He responded with a teasing tone. My blanket swallowed me as I pulled it up over myself, sinking further into the comfort of my bed. "I know, but it's kind of ingrained in me to not expect anything." I explained, slightly embarrassed by the confession. "Usually when Owen says that sort of thing, it doesn't happen so I guess it became a habit to not fully believe it."

Judging by the brief silence that was followed by his deep sigh, I could tell that he wasn't very happy to hear that. "You know I'm not him, right? If I tell you I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it." He responded in a soft voice, the underlying care making a blush creep up my neck and into my cheeks. "No, I know. It's just a bad habit I've formed, and it's hard to get used to this sometimes." I told him. It wasn't that I didn't trust Cayn to follow up on his word, but rather that the only man I'd loved before him had never been one to do so.

"It still baffles me that he somehow managed to keep you for as long as he has." He told me in a mutter, causing a soft giggle to leave my lips. Maybe it was bad, but I found his comment amusing because now I understood what he saw. "I loved him for a while before we started dating, and I ended up clinging to those feelings and to him, even though I never got the same in return." I admitted softly, almost a little bit embarrassed about it. To me, I sounded pathetic, accepting something that I shouldn't have. Owen had never treated me badly, sure, but I knew now that he wasn't someone that could or would give me all the things that I needed.

A brief silence passed between the two of us before Cayn spoke again, his voice laced with hesitance curiosity. "Have you decided what you're going to do yet? I know you've been thinking about him the past few days." He mentioned. Perhaps I would've been surprised if it wasn't already clear to me just how easily he was able to read me.

I bit down on my bottom lip and curled up into my blankets some more, peering up at the ceiling of my bedroom. "Yes, I've decided. I don't love him anymore, and I already feel awful enough as it is that I've been cheating on him." I answered, a deep frown on my face. "All I have to do is actually talk to him," I said, letting out a soft chuckle. "Though somehow I feel like getting him to make the time to meet up with me is going to be the hardest part of this." I admitted. To me it was funny, but Cayn's silence showed that he wasn't very amused by that. Still, we both knew it was true.

"You know you don't have to face him by yourself. I can come, if it'd make you feel better." He offered, but I quickly shook my head, almost cringing to myself at the idea. "No, no. I doubt showing up to break up with my boyfriend with the man I've been cheating on him with is a good plan." I told him.

He paused, thinking over my words. "Good point, actually." He agreed in a mutter. I was surprised he hadn't thought of it.

After a few minutes, the serious conversation between us faded into something lighter, taking my mind off of the problems hanging over my head—at least for the time being. Cayn was very good at that sort of thing, and I was grateful for that.

"Will you be able to see me tomorrow?" I asked Cayn as we were getting ready to say our goodbye's after a while, running my fingers absentmindedly over the fabric of my blankets. "Maybe for lunch, but unfortunately I'll be working out of my office for much of this week, so I won't be able to see you as much as before." He answered, not sounding very happy about that. "Though I could definitely be persuaded into having you spend the night at my house." He quickly threw in.

I huffed playfully. "Why's it gotta be at your house?" I pouted, not actually opposed to it at all. His place was bigger, nicer, and there was more room in his bed for the both of us. If anything, I probably preferred staying over at his house instead of my own apartment, but maybe him being there had something to do with that.

"Hm? Are you saying you'd prefer we go to your apartment, then?" He retorted, likely already knowing the answer. I could tell he knew just from the tone of his voice, causing me to huff. "No, but you could've played along." I grumbled, only earning a husky chuckle from him that had my heart fluttering.

"I'll see you tomorrow for lunch. Don't bother buying anything because I'm bringing you something, sweetheart." He told me simply, not leaving much room for argument. I opened my mouth, a little surprised by his declaration, but he hung up the phone without letting me get a word in. A frown formed on my lips as I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared down at the screen, wondering what it was he planned to bring me for lunch tomorrow.

With a shrug of my shoulders, I turned off my phone and set it in the windowsill beside my bed, curling back up beneath my covers again. Whatever he had planned, I was sure it'd be good.

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