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~Wisteria's POV~

The rest of the weekend that was spent at Cayn's house went by a little faster than I would have liked, but when I returned back to my apartment on Sunday night, I felt better than I had in months. I felt happier than I had in months, more secure and content knowing that I had Cayn.

But I was brought down from the clouds when I got a call from Owen on Monday morning, causing a frown to form on my lips as I eyed my phone's screen and paused in the middle of doing my makeup. For the first time, I actually hesitated to answer a phone call from my boyfriend, unsure if I wanted to talk to him. Then, the slight gnaw of guilt crept in as I thought about what I had been up to this past weekend, and I ended up accepting the call despite my uncertainty.

"Hey." I greeted softly into the phone, continuing to do the rest of my makeup as I held my phone up to my ear so I could have a conversation at the same time. "Hey, love." Owen responded brightly, not seeming to notice the lack of brightness in my tone that I usually answered the phone with. If I was honest, I was grateful that he didn't notice because I didn't want him to ask about it.

"What's up? You never call me this early." I wondered, unable to help the curious furrow between my brows. Owen usually only called me after he got off of work, if he even called me at all, really. It wasn't even nine AM yet, so this was incredibly out of the ordinary for him to do.

"I just wanted to call in and check on you, see how you're doing before I head to work for the day. We haven't spoken in a while, and it's been even longer since I've seen you." He mentioned, causing me to frown. I finished applying my lip gloss, setting the tube down as I finally had finished off the last step of my makeup routine. There was something about his words that upset me, and I couldn't help the slight bitterness that crept into my voice when I responded. "That's not really my fault, is it?" I responded, standing from my vanity table. I shook my head to myself as I realized that I sounded like a bitch, running my fingers through my hair. "You're just always so busy..." I added quietly, upset at both him and myself.

A brief silence passed between the two of us before Owen sighed heavily. "It's just this job, Teri. You know I have to secure the position before I can start taking time off and stuff." He explained, using that same excuse that he always did. The frown on my face remained, though. "You say that, but it's been like this since before you even had a job, O." I responded. The only difference was that now he had his job to use as a reasoning as to why things were so rocky between us.

I entered my closet in my undergarments, beginning to look for something to wear. "I'll make it up to you." Owen said, making that same promise that he always did, but it was beginning to become hard to believe it when he never did.

My mind wandered and I stared down at my feet, eyeing my painted toenails with a furrow of contemplation between my brows. Did I really have the right to complain about this sort of thing? I mean, I had cheated on my boyfriend. There was no denying that, no going back from what I had done. How could I possibly criticize him when I had done far worse? Guilt crept up my spine and wrapped itself around me, making my shoulders slump.

"Okay." I agreed softly. "I'm sorry." I told him, but I wasn't sure if I was apologizing for being a bitch or for the fact that I knew I had wronged him, and he wasn't even aware.

Owen let out a soft chuckle and I bit down on my bottom lip, wondering why my stomach didn't seem to flutter at the sound like it used to. "You don't have to apologize. Are you free for lunch today?" He asked me, causing me to purse my lips. I knew that Cayn would want to have lunch with me this afternoon, seeing as it had become a habit between the two of us, but it seemed that today would have to be an exception. "Yeah, I'm free." I said.

The two of us made plans to meet up for lunch before ending the call, leaving me to finish getting ready for the day ahead. I picked out an outfit, pulling on a champagne colored skirt that had a small slit up the left hip, exposing more of my thigh. Beneath the skirt I had pulled on a pinky-nude one piece outfit with a scoop neckline and thin straps that went over my shoulders. Around my waist I put on two cute belts, which were really more for accessory than actually keeping my skirt up. Both the chains were gold, with the first one having heart shaped pearls around the belt and the second one with diamond shaped jewels.

After I had gotten dressed, I picked out a pair of pumps that strapped around my ankles and put them on, the color closely matching the one piece bodysuit I wore. I left my closet, spritzing on a little bit of perfume before I grabbed my purse and left my apartment to hurry to the office. The last thing I needed was to be late.


"There you are." Cayn hummed as he entered my office about twenty minutes before my lunch break, looking as delicious as ever in his tight fitted suit. My chest warmed as I looked at him, leaning into my desk. "Here I am." I responded, butterflies fluttering about within my belly.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were super busy today." I wondered, knowing that he had been in Mrs. Hoover's office for pretty much the entire day. Apparently, they'd run into some sort of issue with what Cayn wanted done, so the two of them ended up needing to discuss some alternatives. I didn't want to disturb them, so I hadn't expected to see him at all today, aside from the few seconds that he caught my eye this morning when I was dropping off both his and Mrs. Hoover's coffees. Other than that, I hadn't seen nor spoken to him yet. Admittedly, I had missed him, even if it hadn't been that long.

Cayn shut the door behind him and took long strides towards my desk, rounding the edge of it. I swiveled in my rolly chair and peered up at him through my lashes, crossing one leg over the other when I felt a flush creep up my neck. God, he was so handsome and he looked so strong. He filled out his suit so well, muscles bulging against the dark grey fabric that clung to his arms, chest, thighs.

"I was. Well, am, but it's lunch time and I'm hungry. Figured I'd come see if you wanted to join me. I'll even let you pick this time." He hummed, causing my lips to twitch up. It was a reflex when I opened my mouth to agree, a smile on my face, but then I remembered—I was supposed to have lunch with Owen today. My mouth closed and I frowned to myself. "I can't today, actually." I told him softly, rubbing my arm out of nerves. I let my eyes flick away from him, glancing down at my desk instead. "Owen and I are having lunch together." I said. I didn't want to lie to him.

A heavy silence settled between us as he processed my words. "I see." He muttered after a second, not sounding necessarily angry but most certainly not happy with it. I couldn't help but to glance up at him, tightening my hands into fists as I pressed them into my lap. "I'm sorry." I told him, but he just shook his head and waved a large hand dismissively. A smile formed on his full lips. "Don't be. I expected this. You're not fully mine, after all." He said, causing my lips to part in surprise.

He leaned down and kissed me atop my head, leaving me stunned when he stood and turned before he left my office. I stared after him, a furrow between my brows as I contemplated his words and what I was doing with him.

The door to my office suddenly flung open again a few minutes later, causing me to whip my head up to gaze at the door, caught off guard. Owen sauntered in, the realization that it was only him making me sigh in relief. "Hey, love." He chirped, not seeming to notice my unusually foul mood as he leaned against the wall and gestures towards the door. "Ready to go? I kind of want that really good pizza place—you know the one." He said, and I did because he loved the restaurant but I hated it.

Even so, I nodded my head and rose from my chair, wishing it was Cayn that I was with as we left my office.

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