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~Wisteria's POV~

After Judith and I had parted ways and I'd been dropped off at my apartment again, I found myself looking through the kitchen for something to eat for dinner later that night. A frown formed on my face as I realized that I had basically no groceries left, meaning that I needed to head to the store.

I grabbed my converse that I had worn earlier in the day and slid them back on, making sure to pull my hoodie back on over the dress I still wore before I got my keys and phone, leaving my apartment with them in the pockets of my hoodie. There wasn't much of an option except to either order something to eat or simply go to the store to get groceries. Seeing as I needed to get groceries anyways, it was likely easier that way.

The drive to Walmart didn't take too long and, thankfully, I managed to arrive in just a little under ten minutes. I parked in the lot and made my way inside, grabbing one of the carts that I began to push around, tossing things that I wanted into it every once in a while. As I was looking for the right kind of sandwich bread that I usually got, someone suddenly stepped up beside me, real close. Naturally, I went to move away immediately, thinking it was some kind of creep. However, when I flicked my eyes up I saw it was Cayn, his large frame stood beside me as he stared up at the shelves of food with his hands shoved deep in his pockets.

My mouth went dry and I decided not to move away, not even when my heart began to race. "You scared me." I told him with a shaky voice, forcing my eyes away from the handsome profile that was the side of his face. I felt his gaze flick down to me and he gave me a gentle, friendly bump with his shoulder. "Sorry. I just saw you and thought I'd come say hi." He said, a smile tugging at the edges of his pretty mouth.

"Grocery shopping?" He asked with curiosity, causing me to nod my head as I reached for the bread when I spotted it. It had been moved up a few shelves, forcing me to push up on my tippy toes. I struggled, the tips of my fingers brushing the bag just a little but not enough to actually be able to pull it down. Cayn, of course, noticed, and just watched me struggle for a few seconds with an amused smirk that made me feel a little bit embarrassed. "Need some help there, sweetheart?" He teased, letting out a chuckle when I huffed and nodded my head. "Please." I grumbled.

He chuckled and easily reached up to grab the bread for me, setting it in my cart. I gave him my thanks in a quiet voice, tucking a strand of dark hair behind my ear as I turned to face him. "What are you doing here? Grocery shopping, too?" I wondered, cocking my head to the side. The distance between us lessened as he stepped closer, nodding his head. "Mhm." He hummed in response, bright eyes trailing over my face. "I haven't actually bought anything yet, though." He admitted.

I bit down on my bottom lip and hesitated, peering up at him through my lashes. "Have you had dinner yet?" I asked with a little bit of hesitance, worried that he may reject the invitation that I was about to extend. "I'm not the best cook, but I do like to think that I make some pretty good grilled cheese sandwiches. You know, I-I mean, if you wanted to come over...." I trailed, my fingers tightening around the handle of my cart.

Cayn smirked, amused with how nervous I probably looked and sounded. "Are you inviting me over to your house, Wisteria?" He asked, a teasing tone to his low, sexy voice that made my insides churn in the best way. I huffed, my face warming in embarrassment as I stared up at him and gave a weak nod of my head. "If you want to..." I said softly. A smirk formed on his lips and he stepped closer, making my heart rate spike. "Like I'd refuse, sweetheart." He hummed.

Blushing, I nodded in satisfaction and turned around, not surprised when he continued to trail alongside me as I finished up the rest of my grocery shopping. I tried to be as quick as I could, paying for my groceries before Cayn helped me load them all into the trunk of my car and then followed me back to my apartment in his vehicle. He parked directly beside me once we arrived, being kind enough to even help me carry all the bags up to my apartment too. If it were anyone else, I'd likely be left to do it by myself.

We stood together in my apartment together after everything was put away, where we both kicked off our shoes by the locked front door. I couldn't help but to take a sneaky glance over at him as he made himself comfortable on my couch, stretching out his long, muscular legs with a low groan of content. The edges of my lips twitched up slightly. "Long day today?" I asked as I entered the living room a little more so he could see me and I could see him, leaning against the opposite, smaller couch. He flicked his eyes up to me and shrugged, rubbing a hand over the sharp line of his bearded jaw. "Little bit." He murmured. "Though it feels worth it now that I'm here."

The compliment made my heart flutter. "I-I'll go make those grilled cheese, then. Maybe it'll make you feel a little better if you eat." I said, too flustered to find something to say. I turned and quickly headed into the kitchen, not missing the amused glint that sparkled in his crystal blue eyes as I left.

I decided to make myself two grilled cheese and three for him, unsure how much he would eat, but I figured it'd be better if I made a little too much than not enough. Though I didn't usually eat mine with tomato soup, I had decided to make some after asking if he wanted me to. Some people quite liked to eat it that way—in fact, I used to be one of those people when I was younger, but I had grown to dislike it. Now, I never ate grilled cheese with tomato soup.

After I finished making everything, which didn't take very long at all, the two of us ate dinner together in my living room. Admittedly, I had been a little bit nervous that he wouldn't be the type of man to enjoy such a simple meal, but he ate everything in under ten minutes. My eyes widened in surprise when I noticed this and I struggled not to smile. "That was quick." I said with a soft giggle that I cursed myself for letting slip. He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "It was good. Looks like you weren't joking when you said you make some mean grilled cheese." He mused, stretching a long arm along the back of the couch.

I blushed and set my dishes onto the table beside the couch after I finished eating, standing from the couch I was on to instead move over to him. His dark eyes followed me intently, making my every nerve feel wired. My heart raced so fast that my fingers began to tremble, so I clutched to the fabric of my dress and sat beside him closer. "I'm glad you liked it." I responded softly, feeling his warm fingers brush against my bare knee.

The air between us grew tense and charged, his eyes becoming more hooded as his gaze focused on my mouth. "I like a lot of things about you." He murmured, making my poor core pool with desire. I subconsciously leaned forward more, mind fogging over. "You do?" I whispered. He grinned almost wickedly and I clenched my thighs together as subtly as possible. "You have no idea, sweetheart." He said lowly.

"And if I asked you to kiss me?" I asked softly. My eyes drifted to his mouth as well, tempted by how plush and pink they looked. "Would you like that?"

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