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1859 in Frankford Delaware

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1859 in Frankford Delaware.

"Here I come Alex!" Margaret said almost out of breath, she chased Alex on the beautiful garden besides their castle with her black bottom boots and dark blue dress with a lacy black corset, the wind supporting her wavy brown chestnut hair as she grabbed her long dress tightly with both her hands.

"Gotcha!" She shouted with her hands embraced behind Alex making him scream before they both laughed out of breath, Margaret's eyes changed as her fangs slowly grew before she said. "I'm going to rip the flesh out of you like a savage animal that I am!"
Alex screamed and ran towards his mom's assistant Mercy who was holding little Vanessa covered with a small white blanket, he stood behind Mercy holding her white dress while taking a small peek at his mother.

"You can't hide from me little prince!" Margaret hissed exposing her sharp fangs.

"And I thought you weren't afraid of anything Mr Alex." Mercy's words were followed by a chuckle.

"You're right! I'm not afraid of anything because I'm just as brave as father!" The little boy said stepping forward, he took a big rock nearby and hissed at his mother exposing his fangs as his eyes changed.

"Oh no! Not the rock." Margaret dramatically said placing the back of her palm on her forehead, she dropped herself to the ground dramatically before her son ran towards her and grabbed her dress by the shoulder while lifting up his right hand which had a rock.

"No! Please have mercy!" His mother pleaded while turning her head to the side and raising her palms in the air gesturing him to stop, he turned to normal and threw the rock away and just when he turned to leave Margaret quickly got up and said.

"You made a big mistake little prince." She immediately took the rock as she ought to hit him with it, but little did she know Alex was all ears to her words and was way too quick to dodge making her mother sway forward almost falling, when he quickly dodged the rock he went behind his mother and grabbed tightly her wavy blue dress with both his hands and pulled her to the ground with all his might making her mother hit the ground impairing her back, his mother groaned in pain with her hand on her back. "I don't fight women ma'am so don't make me." He said pointing at her, earning a scoff from her mother.

"Okay that's it Alex, you've proven us wrong." Mercy said helping Margaret get up with her right hand and holding Vanessa in the other hand, Margaret thanked her and took Vanessa on her hands, she looked at her healthy and beautiful baby before she smiled at her, she earned a smile back from Vanessa exposing her toothless pink mouth.

"My little princess has the smile of a pretty blossom flower and the eyes of a lioness." Margaret said while holding her baby up in the air and making a little spin, this made her baby make a cute giggle. "She's going to be as strong as her mother." Mercy added with a smile on her face her gaze not leaving Vanessa. "Whoever crosses her will have to go through me!" Alex shouted while stomping his foot all his might as a brave person.
"That's right my little prince, you have to take care of your sister no matter what." Margaret told him.
Suddenly Alex ran towards a elegant man who had dark hair and dark eyes. "Dad!" He called, the man wore elegant gray pants and a black frock coat with a bow tie on his neck and a black velvet hat.
Alex gave him a big hug almost whipping  him off his feet, he carried his son and pinched his nose a bit.
"You little lion." He said, he turned to look at his wife and saw her giving the brunette girl which was Mercy the baby and taking her big flowery hat from Mercy's head before she placed it on her head, when she walked towards her husband he placed his son down and told him to follow Mercy inside the castle.

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