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Lily rang the doorbell next to their house door and it didn't take a minute for Katherine to open the door, revealing an upset Alex who got inside first without saying a word, his actions made Katherine question herself but before she could think ...

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Lily rang the doorbell next to their house door and it didn't take a minute for Katherine to open the door, revealing an upset Alex who got inside first without saying a word, his actions made Katherine question herself but before she could think about any possible answer Richard got inside with Sophy's body on his arms, this made Katherine gasp in shock.

"Oh my god don't tell me she." Katherine said while pointing at Richard as he Lily and Vanessa made their way to the basement as they all ignored her.
When Marcus saw what was happening recently he made a deep sigh and followed them.

"Alex what happened?" Katherine asked as she went towards him as he was seated on a couch.

"Sophy was compelled to kill herself once a spell started working on her body." Alex replied.
Katherine's legs suddenly loosed balance and she dropped herself on the couch, she didn't want Alex to kill Sophy but she most definitely didn't want her to become like them.

After that horrific night Maggie and Yu-jan went to the police station and told Benson and Brian that Sophy was taken by something that they had no idea what it was, Benson and Brian felt suspicious about the certain information so they decided to investigate the case on their own before their colleagues reacted.
They asked the girls to take them were it all happened and when they got there they saw the ring lights and a bag that Maggie was carrying on that night, everything was found on place and untouched except for Sophy.  

"So you said your friend was taken by something like a shadow?" Brian asked.

"Yes, I mean we didn't see it clearly but it definitely took her because we heard her scream and then suddenly we didn't see her." Maggie explained.

"What were you girls doing here in the middle of the night? You know we have wild animals here right?" Benson asked.
The girls looked at each other then Yu-jan replied.

"We know officer, but we just needed to do something real quick an—" but before she could finish Benson interrupted.

"You know what it looks like to me? It looks like you planned to stay here for a long time and put your lives in danger for your childish stuff."

"You're college students, you're adults you should be responsible, do you see the consequences now?" Benson snapped at them while earning a nod from both of them, he was really pissed off because he thought that he had to deal with the vampires again, he knew that his people had nothing to do with it because of how things had happened, so he immediately suspected the vampires.

The tension between Benson and the girls was broke by a phone call that Brian received.
"Yes, tell me." Brian listened to the person in his phone for awhile and asked.

"She's not there?" He asked again while looking at his brother and listening to the person on the phone, Benson looked slightly down to concentrate his hearing on Brian's phone.

'Yeah it's definitely vacant in here, not a single sign that she came back because we found the door locked and had to break in.' He heard.

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