Chapter 22: Where are We?

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"Here." Boo said as she dumped an envelope full of cash onto the table in front of Tig. It was Saturday night and she and Chibs were visiting her guardian for dinner, as they did most Saturdays. Boo had been back from New York for a few days and yet she and Chibs were yet to sit down and talk about their relationship. In fact they were trying to act like there was nothing much wrong at all, like Chibs hadn't cheated, like they weren't arguing over almost nothing. Boo, as hard as she'd tried in New York, hadn't been able to come up with any answers as to why suddenly, their relationship was going so badly. Things between the couple were very strained and very much on the brink of breaking once again, but both seemed to prefer such strain over the scary relationship talk that they needed to have.

"What's this kid?" Tig asked as he examined the contents of the envelope, eyes going wide when he realised just how much cash was inside of it. There was a few grand, easily, but why was Boo giving it to him? The club needed money sure, but neither he nor Chibs had asked her for any cash. Not yet anyways, but things were getting pretty desperate, the club still needed almost $100,000 for McKeavey and Clay had hinted at asking Boo to front the club some cash. Something that neither he nor Chibs were that keen on. Kid worked harder for her money, they could find the cash without having to ask her for it.

"Ten grand..." Boo said with a shrug of her shoulders as she settled herself down next to Chibs. "I know the club needs the cash for McKeavey." She added. Chibs had mentioned that the club needed to get a hold of a lot of cash for McKeavey and Boo had taken it upon herself to get them what she could. While in New York her publishers had fronted her $10,000 for research on her next novel, but since she'd already done rather a lot of research she felt the money could be put to better use. She'd get it back eventually and then she'd use it for its intended purpose, but until then the club needed it more. "Take it." She insisted when Tig simply continued to stare into the envelope, eyes wide, a look of uncertainty on his face. Before Tig could say anything, Chibs snatched the envelope off him and handed it back to Boo, pushing it into her hands.

"I ain't takin' money off yeh Boo, yeh know I don't borrow money from women." He said as he did so. He understood that Boo wanted to help, he did, but he didn't want to borrow money from her. He didn't borrow money from women, it was just his way, and he wasn't about to make an exception on that rule. Boo simply smirked at that - damn proud Scotsman! – and pushed the money back towards Tig.

"Yeah well you're not borrowing it, the club is." She said defiantly, giving Tig a look that told him to put the money away before Chibs tried to give it back to her again. Tig nodded and slipped the envelope into his cut.

"Thanks doll, this'll really help." He said. He appreciated the kid fronting the club the money, although he did feel somewhat guilty about taking it, it meant less money that they had to find elsewhere. And considering they only had a day now to find McKeavey's cash ten grand made a lot of difference.

Chibs sighed in defeat when he realised that he wasn't going to win when it came to Boo fronting the club the ten grand. If she wanted to give it to them, she'd do it, and if Chibs and Tig didn't take the money she'd just take it straight to Clay instead. It was best not to push her on the matter; it would only lead to them having yet another blow out argument, and in Tig's kitchen no less! An argument that would drag them right back to the troubles they were so desperately trying to pretend they didn't have.

"Yeh sure about that darlin'? That's all the money yer publishers fronted yeh fer yeh next book." He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her forehead before resting his chin atop of her head with a sigh. He worried that she'd get in trouble for using the cash for something other than what it was intended for! How pissed would her publishers be when they realised she'd spent the research money they'd given on her boyfriends clubs illegal activities? Then again, how would they ever know..?

The Scottish Thistle and The English Rose by HaylsValoWhere stories live. Discover now