Chapter 43:Naoidhean Bhig Ar Righinn Go

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Boo Telford-Trager sighed unhappily as she loaded Chibs' bloodied clothes into the washing machine. As she was still pregnant and on the brink of giving birth she'd been forced to miss Opie and Lyla's wedding. At the last minute Juice had managed to set up a webcam so she could watch the wedding live from the comfort of her office but it just hadn't been the same. She felt guilty for missing Opie's big day – despite his reassurances that he understood why she couldn't attend – and had felt very lonely home all alone with only Waldorf for company while everyone else attended the wedding. Still she soon had plenty to do to keep herself occupied. With Chibs out assassinating the Russians with the others she had to prepare for his return, get out all her supplies so she could wash the blood from his clothes, boots, gloves and maybe even his weapons. She was quite paranoid when it came to Chibs bloodied clothes and possessions, she had to wash them as soon as he got in and if they couldn't be washed they had to be burned. She really didn't want something as stupid as a speck of blood on one of his gloves to send him down for 25 – life for murder. Missing Opie and Lyla's wedding however, wasn't what was getting to Boo the most. What was really getting to her was the fact that Clay and the others had been out of jail less than 12 hours and already, things were becoming chaotic again. The boys had already been chased by the police on the highway and handcuffed on the roadside and now they'd murdered some of the biggest Russian mobsters in California! Boo almost wished that Clay at least had stayed in jail; things seemed to get crazier for the club when he was at the head of the table.

"Just gonna take a shower lass; wanna get the stink of those dead fuckin' Russians off me." Chibs drawled as he poked his head round the laundry room doorway. Boo murmured something in the way of agreement as she nodded her head, too tired to give her husband anything more in the way of response. Chibs chuckled softly at that and slipped into the room, kissed Boo's cheek as he dumped his boots on the waiting mat. "Get teh bed when yeh've done this my lovely, yer dead on yer feet. Yeh wanna rest as much as possible before baby comes." He muttered as he cupped her face in his hands and looked into her tired eyes. She had bags under them and they were extremely bloodshot. He really wanted to go to bed right then but knew she wouldn't settle until she'd cleaned up the blood off his things. He couldn't fault her for that though because in many ways he was the same; he couldn't sleep right knowing there was a pile of bloodied and incriminating clothes in the laundry room. Boo again murmured in agreement at that so Chibs gave her one last kiss before hurrying upstairs for a shower. As soon as Chibs was out of the door Boo pulled his boots towards her with the intention of scrubbing them until they looked like new in as short a time as possible as she really did just want to crawl into bed and sleep. She was exhausted and being now 11 days overdue - it was 2am – wasn't helping matters either. Just as Boo started scrubbing the first of Chibs' boots, something happened that made her realize she wasn't going to get any sleep that night and not for a long while either. Her water broke. It came so suddenly that Boo couldn't help but shriek in shock; she'd been waiting for her waters to break for weeks and yet had been unprepared for the suddenly gush of water that dripped from between her legs. Believing she still had some time yet before baby was born, and since Chibs was in the shower, Boo decided she might as well finish cleaning Chibs boots as they still had to be cleaned, regardless of the fact she'd gone into labor. However within moments she was hit by a sharp pain in her abdomen that could only be a contraction and a long one at that; it was a fair few seconds before the pain passed. She was in labor and she needed to tell Chibs! Boo immediately abandoned Chibs' boots and dashed upstairs to the bathroom.

"Filip!" she cried frantically as she rapped her knuckles against the glass shower door. The water didn't shut off but the door was opened just a little and Chibs stuck his head out, hair still full of shampoo, bubbles caught in the scars on his cheeks. He smiled at Boo, an inquisitive eyebrow raised. Before he could say so much as a word however, Boo gestured to her sodden pajama bottoms. "My water just broke." She informed him, voice gleeful yet full of nerves. She and Chibs alike had been impatiently waiting for this day for months and yet now that it was here Boo felt unprepared and terrified. She was about to have a baby, the pain of which was going to be like nothing she'd ever felt before and she had no idea if she could even do it! "We need to go to the hospital." She added just as the shock of her revelation registered on Chibs face. His eyes went wide, pupils dilated in excitement and the smile on his face became a full on grin. If he was nervous or frightened at all he didn't show it, something that was of great comfort to Boo.

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