Chapter one

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Hey guys! I decided to do a fanfiction with all of the main characters from Cassandra Clare's books. I hope you guys like it!

Beep! Beep! Beep!
Jace's alarm clock was having a panic attack so Jace finally got up and turned it off. He took a quick shower, got dressed, brushed his teeth and hair, and headed down stairs. At the table sat his adoptive family/cousins, Alec Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, and his actual siblings Will and Cecily. Will and Alec, despite only being second cousins, looked like they could be twins. They both dark black hair and bright blue eyes. Cecily had the same combination, and Izzy had the hair, but she had black eyes instead of blue. Jace stood out like a sore thumb, with his bright gold eyes and blonde hair. Alec was 6 months older than Jace. Will was a year and half older, Isabelle and Cecily were both a year younger.

"Good morning." said Alec.

"Morning", Jace replied "what's for breakfast?"

"Eggs and cereal," Izzy put in.

"Okay," I say pouring myself a bowl of cereal.

"I heard our cousins Gabriel and Gideon are going to our school, too." mentioned Alec.

"Ugh, not more lightworms!" Groaned Will.

"Shut up," said Alec sourly.

"Whatever, we need to leave!" Shouted Cecily.

"Fine, lets go!" Jace said finishing up his breakfast. Everyone stuffed the last bits of there food in their mouths and scrambled out the door. The Herondale's got a in car, and the Lightwoods in another.
Clary was rushing to get out the door. She had been accepted to one of the most prestigious boarding schools on a art scholarship and was just about to leave. The school was about a hour and a half away, in Idris. She said goodbye to her mother and put her things in the back of Tessa Gray's car. Tessa was the daughter of a family friend, who also just happened to be going to the same boarding school as Clary.

"Are you excited?" Tessa asked after Clary had gotten situated in the car.

"Yeah, but I'm kind of nervous." She replied.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll love it!"

"I hope so," mumbled Clary.
So that was chapter one! I'm sorry it's so short, but I didn't want to cram to much into one chapter. I hope you guys like it, and I'll try to get chapter 2 up ASAP. ◉‿◉

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