Chapter 5

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Disclaimer- I do not own TMI or TID!


I am going to do the ending part again, but from Sophie's POV this time. This chapter is dedicated to @sha_dacey and @ruthbarrett


Sophie's POV

(This is the incident that occurred during lunch on Clary's first day."

Clary was saying something about her classes and I was just peacefully eating when she shoved herself into me.

"What?" I asked.

"Gideon's coming over here" Clary wiggled her eyebrows. I blush and tell her to shut up.

"Um.. Hi.." Gideon said. He was socute! "Sophie can I talk to you in private?"

"Oh.. Um.. Yeah... Sure " I was shocked, why would Gideon want to talk to me? He's a Lightwood, one of the richest families here, and I'm just a girl on a scholarship. We went outside of the cafeteria." So um.. What did you um.. want to talk about?"

"Oh right.. Um.. Would you like to go out with me on Friday, maybe?" Gideon asked? What?!? Why would a lightwood ask me out? He probably just wants to use you. Said a voice in the back of my mind. I had to listen to that voice.

"Oh.. Um.. Well I don't know.. I'll um.. Have to get back to you?" I said, I should have just said no, but I couldn't.

"Oh, um yeah okay I'll talk to you later.," did he look disappointed? No he couldn't, this was probably all some cruel joke and he was just sad it didn't work. We went are separate ways. I sat back down at my table.

"What did he say?" Tessa inquired, she had that curious look in her eye.

"HewantedtoknowifIwouldgooutwithhim." I mumbled.


I sighed,"He wanted to know if I would go out with him."

"Really?" Clary screeched, "what did you say?"

"I said no."

"Excuse me? Why would you do that?" Clary looked flabbergasted, but Tessa gave me a look of understanding.

"Here, people with scholarships and people who pay full tuition don't really mix, Gideon was probably just going to use Sophie." Tessa explained.

"Oh" Clary looked down at her food.

Thankfully, we were saved from any more awkwardness because the lunch bell rang. (A/N they were 'saved bythe bell') Wegotupandwent to our classes. I went to Spanish and took my seat. Unfortunately Gideon was in this class as well and he sat the seat next to me.

"Hi" he said.

"H-hi" I stuttered. The Spanish classroom was like a shoe box, so the the desks were ridiculously close together. Thankfully señorita Gomez came in and started the class.

"Buenos dìas, señorita Gomez!" the class greeted her.

"Muy buenos dìas a todos." Señorita Gomez replied. " Today we will be working with partners, the person next to you." I turned to Gideon and he turned to me. "We are going to be working on creating fluent conversations, start by greeting your partner." The was a chorus of holàs. "Now say good morning."

"Buenos dìas." Gideon said.

"Buenos dìas" I replied.

"Good now ask them a question, then just keep up a conversation."

"Saldrás conmigo?" Gideon smiled. He just said "will you go out with me" in Spanish, this was going to be a long day.

"Nunca vas a renunciation?" I said "will you ever give up?" In Spanish. Gideon just smiled and said,


"Bien bien, voy a salir contigo." I couldn't believe it, I had just said "okay fine, I will go out with you". Why would I do that?

"Really?" Gideon's whole face light up.

"Gideon! Spanish!" Señorita Gomez snapped.

"Lo siento." (Sorry) he muttered, then he looked up and said, "¿en serio?" (Really?")

"Sì" I could have just said no! Why didn't I just say no?!

"Bien, entonces ¿qué talt el viernes?" (Well, then how about Friday?)

"Bueno" (okay) I had never seen anyone beam that brightly! His smile was so large it over took his face. Maybe I was wrong about him..



Sorry about not updating, but 92 views and 8 votes! You guys are awesome! 🎊🎊🎊🎊 Thank you guys so much! Or in spanish, gracios chicos tanto! And if you were wondering, no I am not fluent in Spanish, I used the google translator for all of it 😂. It took forever to look it all up, but I thought it worked better. Again thanks so much for everything! ◉‿◉

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