Chapter 21

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Alec POV

"Alec, come on! You have to help us! The parties in 4 hours!" Izzy shouted up the stairs.

"I told you I don't want anything to do with this party!" I shouted back, I knew Camille was going to find some way to worm into the party, and I really did not want to see her.

"Alllllyyyyyy, come on!"

"I told you not to call me that!

"Alec, help!!" Isabelle whined up the stairs.

"Fine." I groaned, defeated. I ran quickly down the stairs.

"Okay, so you need to go to the store and buy chips, soda, pretzels, and pick some pizzas." Izzy handed him some money and a list of the things needed.

I let out a exasperated sigh, and walk out the door, grabbing my keys on the way out.

Beep. Beep.

I pulled open the drivers side door and shoved the key into the ignition, I pulled smoothly out of the driveway and into the street.

Sophie POV

I was scrolling through my tumblr, when I heard my phone go off with a loud ring. I grabbed it and saw a text from clary,

Hey! So, do you wanna come over in like twenty minutes to get ready for the party?

I quickly typed back a "sure!"  Grabbed my keys, my purse, pulled on my shoes and ran out the door locking it behind me.

I unlocked my car and shoved the key into the ignition, and started the car. Putting the at in reverse, I backed out of my driveway and drive towards clary's house.

Time skip

I pulled up to clary's house, put the car in park, and jumped out of the car. I walked up to her doorstep and ring the door bell.

The door was opened and I was greeted by Clary's smiling face and bright red hair.

"Hey!" She said cheerfully.

"Hey" I replied and she grabbed my wrist and pulled me up to her room.

Once we were in her room, she asked if I wanted her to ask Tessa to come over, smiling I said sure. 

About five minutes later, clary had started to curl my hair and the door bell had just rung.

"ANSWER THAT JOHNATHAN!" Clary yelled downstairs.

I heard the door open and Tessa's footsteps on the stairs.

"YOU'RE WELCOME!"He shouted back.

Tessa opened the door and greeted us smiling.
"Hey!" Clary said,"Do you want me to do your hair after I finish Sophie's?"

"Yeah, sure!"

"So," I said,"how's Jace?"

Clary blushed and mumbled a fine. Clary hardly ever talked about her love life and she was always embarrassed about it.

"How's Gideon?" Clary smirked.

"Well, we haven't really talked since the last day of school."

"Wait, you guys seriously haven't talked at all since school ended?" Clary looked shocked.

"No?" I didn't think it was that big of a deal, we had talked a week ago, the day school ended, and I didn't want to be one of those clingy girlfriends.

"You're going to talk to him tonight, right?"

"Maybe" I shrugged. I still wasn't sure is Gideon actually liked me.

"You have to!"

"I'll try." I sighed.


Alec POV

I pulled back into the driveway with a trunk full of party decorations and food. All I really wanted to do today was go watch Criminal Minds on netflix. (a/n I really love that show.) 

"ALEC!" Izzy's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Get in here! The party starts in 2 Hours!"

I rolled my eyes and hopped out of the car. i opened the trunk and grabbed a few of the bags and ran towards the door.  

"Okay, so can you just put the chips in the pantry, soda in the fridge, and decorations on the counter." Isabelle ordered.

I did as she told me then sprinted up to my room. I checked my phone and saw I had a mesage from none other than camille Belcourt.


So I finally updated! Its spring break right now so I'm going to TRY to update every other day if not every day! Also, have any of you watched criminal minds, because it is amazing. Hope you guys enjoyed this short little update hopefully next chapter will be more entertaining! 

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