Chapter 19

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"What are you doing here?" Magnus asked Camille.

"I came to see you, of course!"

(A/N I really don't know how continue this plot line sooo . . . SKIP)

Third person POV
(The next day)

"I'm going to miss you, I text you everyday." Tessa promised Will Herondale, after she finished packing up her car. Clary was sitting in the driver's seat, and she looked incredibly inpatient.

"I know." Will smirked and Tessa slapped his arm gently, he laughed and added," I'm gonna miss you, too"

"Bye," Tessa said and kisses will one last time, before getting in the car.

"Bye, I'll talk to you soon." Will said while waving at the car as it drove away.

Tessa sat in the passenger of the cramped car, and she thought back to when she and Will first met.


"URRGGGGH!" Tessa shouted as the ground charged into her face. 

Tessa had tripped, over what? That she did not know, she assumed it was a rock, but now she realized she tripped over air.

As Tessa attempted to stand up, the splitting pains in her ankle told her that it was twisted, sprained or possibly broken. Tessa new she couldn't walk back to the dorms, and her phone was sitting on the table, charging.

She groaned as she she tried to stand up, again. Big mistake. Tessa was promptly back on her bottom, so she decided to start shouting.

"HELP! HELP! HELP!"HELP! HELP! HELP!"HELP! HELP! HELP!" Tessa repeatedly shouted until someone finally showed up.

"You have got to be kidding me." Tessa moaned as Will Herondale, the most annoying, most insufferable person to have ever walked the earth. Well, other that that S.O.B, mortmain, who called himself the magister and spent his time trying to destroy everyone's lives.

"I see you need a stunningly attractive night in shining armor?" Will asked smugly as he walked up to Tessa.

"Oh, well, looks like you won't be able to help me then? You know, since I need someone stunningly attractive." That was a lie, Will Herondale is the is more than stunningly attractive, he's almost angelic, but his mouth ruins it.

The Herondale's are a notably attractive but they also have a now-it-all, smug Attitude. The one male Herondale who is actually sufferable is actually a lightwood, and probably won't be going out with any girls, at least not any time soon.

"That hurts Tessa, right here" Will points to his heart.

Tessa rolled her eyes, "could you gets help me up? I need to get back to my dorm and ice my ankle."

"Fine" Will says and picks up Tessa, bridal style.

"Herondale, put me down."

"Okay, fine, if  you want to sit her all night until finally a student comes, that's fine." Will began to put her on the ground.

"NO! Ugh, I hate you, but fine."

(Flash back over)

Tessa smiled to herself. After that Will  actually started become tolerable. Eventually, he asked me out and I said yes.

Sometimes, Will can be an insufferable, little jerk, but he can be sweet and romantic sometimes.



Thank you guys so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed.
Life update!
I got a new kitten, shes a tortie something tabby. I got her at the shelter, and she's a great pet. I started reading shatter me, I'm only 4 pages in so I can't really offer an opinion yet. But thanks for reading, and I'll try to update soon!

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