Chapter 4

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Disclaimer- I don't own TMI or TID, they belong to Cassandra Clare.
Clary spent most of the class looking at Jace. When the bell rang she grabbed her things and rushed out the door. Clary bumped into a girl causing both of them to drop their things.

"I'm so sorry!" Clary said.

"Oh, no it's fine." The girl said looking up. She had a scar that ran from her cheekbone to near her lip. "I'm Sophie." she stuck out her hand.

"I'm Clary, nice to meet you." Clary shook her hand. The two girls picked up their things, and stood up.

"Is this your first year?" Sophie asked.

"Yeah, what about you?"

"Oh, this is only my second year, so I feel you." Replied Sophie.

"What do you mean?" Clary questioned.

"The whole lost, new girl think it sucks." Sophie said, " So I'm going to help you figure it out."

"Thanks, I'm really confused." Clary says.

"No problem, let's start with the hierarchy of the school." Sophie pointed to a group of people, Clary recognized the Herondales and Lightwoods as being part of it. "Those are the most popular and powerful people in the school. There's the boys," she points at Alec, " His names Alec," she points to a seemingly Asian guy who was wearing A LOT of glitter. "That's Magnus, he throws the best parties", next she points to Will and Jace," You do not want to mess with them, they're evil, they'll ruin your entire life in five minutes if you piss one of them off."

"But, I met Jace, he seemed nice enough." Clary argues.

"Probably just wants to use you, but he's nothing compared to his older brother Will, he's a walking nightmare, the only one who keeps him in line is Jem." Sophie pointed at a boy with raven black hair and brown eyes. She took a deep breath. She then moved onto the boys in the back, " they are Alec's other cousins, Gabriel and Gideon." When she talked about Gideon she blushes slightly. Then she points to the girls," Those the "pretty" girls." she adds air quotes on the pretty part. " The worst one is Jessamine Lovelace, she hates this school and everyone here, but everyone thinks she's hot so-"

"Why aren't you part of the group?" Clary interrupts.


Why aren't you part of the group, I mean your way prettier and nicer than Jessamine. So why aren't you in the group?"

"Oh, well number one I have this," Sophie motions to the scar, "and I also have a soul."

"Okay, continue."

"Oh yes, like I was saying Jessamine is the leader, and those are her sidekicks," Sophie points at the girls behind Jessamine, Isabelle, Cecily, and two random girls, "they're Isabelle, Cecily, Aline, and Kaelie. They're not as bad, Isabelle's actually pretty nice, but the others are pretty awful."
After all the introductions the warning bell rings.

"I'll see you later!" Clary waves goodbye and start walking but Sophie follows. "Are you following me?" Clary asks turning around.

"No, I'm going to class." Sophie giggled.

"Oh, oops"

The rest of Clary's classes go fairly smoothly and thens it time for lunch.
She see's Sophie and Tessa so she walks up to them.

"Hi" said Sophie and Tessa,

"You know her?" Tessa asked Sophie.

"Yeah we ran into each other after first period, literally!" Sophie said,

"Oh, she's a close friend of my family" says Tessa.

"Oh well, whatever, Clary do want to sit with us at lunch?" Sophie said focusing on Clary.

"Yes!" Clary said, extremely excited, she made a friend! The two girls giggled and they walked into the cafeteria. After Clary bought her lunch, she looked for Sophie and saw her sitting at a table with Tessa. Sophie smiled at Clary, and Tessa waved.


"Hi" clary sat down next to Sophie.

"So how were your classes?" Tessa asked.

"They're okay I gu-" Clary stopped when she saw the way that Gideon was looking at Sophie. She nudged Sophie and jerked her chin.

"What?" Asked Sophie.

"Gideon's coming over here." Clary wiggles her eyebrows.

"Shut up." Said Sophie blushing.

"Um.. Hi.." Said Gideon awkwardly "Sophie? Can I talk to you in private?"

"Oh.. Um... Yeah.. Sure..." Sophie got up to go talk to Gideon.
So now I'm going to redo that ending part from Gideon's POV, and then Sophie's.
Gideon's POV

I looked over at Sophie, she was so beautiful. Her hair was chocolate brown and she was so kind. I was trying to work up some courage and go ask her out. I didn't realize she was staring back. I took a deep breath and got up.

"Um.. Hi.." Why did I have to be so awkward! "Sophie? Can I talk to you in um.. private?

"Oh.. Um... Yeah.. Sure..." Sophie said and she got up. Once we were out in the hallway she asked, "so.. What did you um.. Want to um.. Talk about?"

"Oh right... Um... Would you like to go out with on Friday, maybe? I am so completely awkward!

"Um.. Well I don't know.. I'll um.. Have to get back to you?"Sophie said clearly flustered.

"Oh, um okay yeah I'll talk to you later.." I really hope I didn't sound as much of a loser as I felt like. We went back into the cafeteria and went our separate ways, did I mention it was awkward? Because it was very awkward.

"So how'd it go?" Asked my brother, Gabriel.

"Shut up." I said.

"Oh, Giddy Got shot down!" Said Alec.

"Shut up." I repeated.
I am definitely going to do Sophie's POV in the next chapter! As usual I do not own TMI or TID.

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