Chapter 14

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Clary POV

"Eeeeeee!" Isabelle squealed.

"God, Izzy, are trying to make my eardrums bleed?" I joked. Isabelle rolled her eyes.

"No!" Isabelle grinned, "Guess what we are doing this Friday Night!"


"We are going to MAGNUS BANE'S!"

"You mean Alec's?"

"Not the dorm, Magnus has his own loft." Isabelle said it like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"I'm not going."

"Yes, yes you are!" Izzy insisted.





"Ugh! Fine, I'll go!" I knew Isabelle wasn't going to relent.

"Yay!" Izzy started clapping "you know what we need to do? SHOPPING!"

I just love my roommate.


5 hours, 6 dresses, and 3 pairs of shoes later we're back in the dorm.

"Can I tell you something?" Isabelle giggled.

"Sure." I say even though I don't really care.

"I like Simon." That grabs my attention, Simon was Jace's geeky roommate. We'd talked a few times, he seemed nice enough. But I never really thought he was Isabelle's type.

"For real?"

"Yep." Isabelle was still giggling.

"Wow, you should try and talk to him at the party."

"That's the plan."



This chapter was sort of a filler, sorry!

Do you guys want to hear a funny story?


So about two weeks ago I got a pair of glasses. Now, I might not be the most responsible person, I've lost my iPod, my retainer, multiple library books, library cards, and other things like those. I had many times where the glasses were in my head and I searched do like an hour screaming that they were missing. But last week, one week after I got them, the glasses went missing. I searched my basement, living room, and the top of my desk. I asked my mom to help and she looked in the other parts of the desk and my bath room. We spent at least eight hours searching, and we couldn't find them. So, we had to get new ones at Costco, YAY! Then, tonight guess what I found? You guessed it, my glasses! They were at the bottom of my desk. I guess that story wasn't very funny. . . Bye!

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