Chapter 8

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Disclaimer- I don't own TMI or TID.

All eyes were on Sophie, Clary, and Isabelle when they walked down the hall. Most boys jaws dropped, but Gideon's expression was absolutely hilarious. He looked like he wanted to declare his love for Sophie on the spot, while also wanting to kill any boy that looked at Sophie. Sophie herself looked like she wanted to lock herself in the closest locker and weep softly. Isabelle, who was used to the attention, strutted down the hall. Clary looked a mix between mystified and slightly pleased. Isabelle smirked when she walked by Gideon, knowing that she did a good job on Sophie. Sophie now looked like a fire truck. The bell rung shaking everyone out if their trance. Sophie looked down and scrambled to her locker. She sensed a somebody behind her, and she knew who it was.

"H-hi" she stammered as she turned around to look at Gideon.

"Hi" Gideon smiled, "so are we still on for tonight?"

"Yes." Gideon beamed,

"Great!" Gideon looked regrettably at the clock,"Sorry I have to go to class. Bye." As soon as he was out of hearing distance Tessa popped up out of no where.

"Ooo, you and Gideon?" She gave an evil grin. "How did that happen?"

"U-um I don't really know." Sophie could feel her cheeks warm up. Tessa wiggled her eyebrows.

"Whatever you say."

"Shut up." Sophie grumbled. She felt like that was all she said these days.
Bbrrring! bbrring!

"Oh no we're going to be late!" Tessa ran to her class, with Sophie on her heels.
----------------------------------------------Time lapse, DATE TIME!

Sophie have herself a once over in the mirror before going to the door. It was time for her date with Gideon and she had butterflies. No! She told herself, you will not fall for Gideon Lightwood!
She opened the door and saw Gideon. His sandy blonde hair was tousled, messy on purpose, and his green eyes glowed brightly. He was wearing a dress shirt and black pants. Sophie wore a bright purple dress that hugged her curves and ended about an inch above her knee.

"You look beautiful." Gideon breathed. Sophie blushed.

"Thanks, you too." The blush got redder. Gideon smiled and offered his arm.

"May I, m'lady?" Sophie giggled beside herself.

" You may." After a few minutes of walking in silence Sophie couldn't help but ask. "Why did you want to go out with me?" Gideon looked taken back, and then regained his composure.

"Because, you're the funniest, kindest, smartest, and" He poked her after seeing her roll her eyes. "You're the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on." Sophie blushed.

"Really?" She didn't truly believe it

"Yes." He said it with firmness, but also with compassion. By that time that had reached Gideon's car and were opening the doors to get in. They got in and bucked their seat belts.

They drove for about fifteen minutes until to a restaurant slightly off campus. Gideon parked and that got out.

"Shall we he asked?" Offering his arm once again.

"We shall." Sophie declared. She broke into a grin seeing Gideon's face, it was pure joy.

They walked in and were greeted by a hostess immediately.

"Table for two?" The lady asked.

"Yes." Said Gideon politely. The hostess motioned her arm and led the to their table. They say down and were given menus.

"Your server will be with you soon." The lady left Gideon and Sophie alone.

"Soo, um how was your day?" Gideon asked.

"Oh . . . Yeah I guess it was good."

"Uh that's good." Gideon and Sophie blushed at the same time.

"Uh yeah I guess." Sophie's blush got redder. At that moment Gideon looked behind Sophie, and his jaw dropped. " What is it?"

"Alec- Alec's here." He stammered.

"Oh is he on a date?" Sophie didn't understand why this was such a big deal.

"I th-think but but he's with Magnus?" He lifted the end like a question. Sophie raised an eyebrow and turned around. There stood Alec and Magnus. Magnus had his hand on the small of Alec's back, they were clearly on a date.

"What's wrong with that?" Sophie asked sharply.

"U-um nothing, I'm just," he sighed, "I'm just surprised."

"It's really not that big a deal." Sophie was still a little upset, but she didn't know why. Maybe she had wanted Gideon to be different?

"No, not really, but Alec's dad, Robert, is going to flip." Gideon just looked uncomfortable now. That were still looking at Alec, but now his panicked blue eyes were staring back at them. He looked around like a trapped puppy. Then Magnus turned and followed his gaze. His yellow-green eyes looked relaxed, possibly a little embarrassed, but he didn't look like Alec. They turned back to the lady and she got out from behind the counter and lead them to a table. She brought them to a table unfortunately close to Sophie's and Gideon's. Alec still looked like he wanted to jump out the window. Gideon had a similar expression.

"Maybe we should-" he was interrupted by Sophie glaring at him.

"No." Gideon held his hands up in mock surrender.

"Okaaay." He dragged out the a.
"Are seriously not going to talk about this?" Gideon asked Alec. The night had been very awkward and now Gideon was chasing after Alec.

"No we're not!" Alec sped up.

"Come on!" Gideon grabbed Alec's sleeve and pulled him around to face him.

"What?" Alec sighed.

"How come you didn't tell me you were- gay?" He whispered the last part, clearly very embarrassed.

"Because I knew how you would act." The duh was implied.

"What do you mean?"

"I knew you would freak out and demand I tell Dad." Alec looked exasperated.

"I would not, I will not!" Gideon said it like a pledge. Alec rolled his eyes and jerked his arm away.

"Whatever." He muttered, and ran away. Leaving Gideon with his thoughts.
Family drama! Hoped you guys like this chapter! The date was a little hard to think of, but I thought it was okay.

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