Chapter 12

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A/N: Thanks @peppygirl102030 and @aussie_willis for the awesome ideas!

Clary POV

So Jace attempted murder today. Well, Alec and Magnus helped, but it was mainly Jace. Allow me to explain.

I was just innocently eating my lunch when Sebastian lilth (A/N anyone else get this? *cackling ), pretty much the meanest person you will ever meet, came over and sat next to me. Did I mention he has an unhealthy obsession with me, because he does. Before I had time to react Sebastian had his mouth on mine.

Kissing him was honestly the grossest thing I have ever done. It felt like kissing a slobbery bulldog. No, that's an insult to Bulldogs.

Thankfully, Jace had Sebastian lifted up by the collar of his shirt within fifteen seconds.

"If you ever do that again I will rip out your tongue and nail it to your door." Jace hissed.

Sebastian smirked. "Just because You're in love with Clary, doesn't mean she can't like someone else."

Big mistake. Jace punched him in the face, filling the cafeteria with a deafening crack. Sebastian's nose was probably broken.

Instead of turning tail, Sebastian simply laughed. "Think you're real tough?" Sebastian punched Jace.

"Not the face!" Some random girl squealed.

"BOYS!" Mrs. Branwell, who had just entered, shouted.

"Mrs. Branwell, Sebastian came over and started kissing me without my permission. Who would have known what he would have done if Jace hadn't come over and stopped him." I explained.

"Be that as it may, Jace still hit him." Mrs. Branwell argued.

"It was simply self defense."

"Um . . . He broke my nose!" Sebastian so helpfully pointed out.

"Shut up" Jace and I chorused. Mrs. Branwell shot us a look.


Sebastian ended up being suspended, while Jace only got a week of detention. Suppose it's another perk of being a herondale.

I was reading my new favorite book series, it's called The Mortal Instruments and its about these half-angel people called shadowhunters, when I got a call from Isabelle.

"What up?" I say after I accept the call.

"Well . . . Jace, Alec, and Magnus went to "talk" to Sebastian and . . . Well, things got a little out of hand.

"You let Alec and Jace two of the most over protective people ever, and Alec's "friend" Magnus to confront a guy that will probably try to hurt Alec, and attempted to make out out with me?" I say slowly.




"Whatever, is everyone okay?"

"Well, Jace is. Magnus and Alec are a bit scratched up, but not as bad as Sebastian." Isabelle sounded nervous.

"Oh no, they didn't kill him did they?" I was genuinely scared.

"To be honest, I'm not sure."

"Please tell me your kidding."

"I am! I am! But he may have a broken arm . . . " I face palm.

"Where are you guys?"


"I'm on my way." I hang up and grab my sweatshirt. God, Jace is stupid!

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