Chapter 16

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Isabelle POV

"Oh my God." I just walked in on Magnus and Alec making out in the bedroom.

"Isabelle!" Alec looked extremely embarrassed, which is understandable.

"Sorry! I was just looking for the bathroom!"

"Down the hall, first door on your right." Magnus said helpfully.

"Uh thanks. I'm just gonna go."
I winked at Alec and waved. I had known Alec liked Jace for a while, and I was glad he was finally with someone who actually felt that way about him.

The door clicked as I shut it. I walked back to the party area.

"Hey!" Clary said when she saw me. "What took you so long?"

"Oh . . . Someone was in there." I felt bad Lying to clary, but I don't think Alec would appreciate me telling her.

"Ooooo, Izzy looks who's not dancing with anyone!" Clary pointed over to, you guessed it, Simon.

"Fine." I walked over to Simon, but before I was even within three feet of him, Maia was already talking to him.

Maia was from Downworlder academy, she was tan, beautiful, and exactly Simon's type. She wore video game t-shirts and was geeky. There was no way I could compete with that.

"Izzy!" I heard Alec shout. I turned around.

"What?" It came out sharper then I meant. Alec looked taken aback.

"Uh, I just wanted to apologize about earlier." He looked nervous.

"Oh Alec." I messed up his hair, even though I was younger, I still got that over protective sister thing. "I don't care."

"Really?" Alec looked relieved.

"Yes, besides I already knew." Alec looked shocked.


"Please, you've been pining after Jace since we were twelve."


"Don't worry, Jace doesn't know. Well, I don't think he knows, he's a little oblivious." Again, Alec looked relieved.

"Thanks, Isabelle."

"Don't mention it."



Oh look! Another sucky update! *fake surprised face

I'll try and update soon.

Only eleven days left of school!

I'm in a car right now, I got to miss school because I'm going to North Carolina.


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