Chapter 13

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One hour before the incident

Jace's POV

How dare Sebastian? Kissing Clary without her permission was the wrong move.


Not nearly bad enough.


Possible, but a little to messy and may have a few negative repercussions.

Near death?


Several broken bones?


I picked up my phone and called Alec.

Why is it taking him so long to get to the phone?

"Hello?" Alec panted. Why is he out of breath. Must have been working out, I guess.

"Hey, it's Jace. I need a favor."

"Ugh. Can't it wait?" Since when is Alec so busy?

"No it's very urgent." I pressed.

"Fine." Alec sounded reluctant. There were sounds of hushed conversation on the other side of the phone. "Um . . . Can Magnus come?"

"Your roommate?"

"Yeah" Alec sounded flustered.

"I guess."

"Okay, so what is it you want exactly?"

"I'm gonna beat up Sebastian because he kissed Clary."

"I'm on board."


"How dare you!" Magnus yelled after Sebastian hit Alec in the face.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, just a little dizzy." Alec said spinning. Magnus leapt at Sebastian. He took him to the ground and began repeatedly hit him.

Sebastian is a fighter, he managed to pry Magnus off himself. Magnus was tossed, but managed to land on his feet.

I went in. I grabbed Sebastian from behind and twisted his arm until he was on the floor writhing in pain.

Ten minutes and lots off pain later, Sebastian is out cold in the infirmary while Magnus, Alec, and I sat in the uncomfortable plastic chairs outside off the principal's office.

"Are you okay?" Magnus asked Alec for about the millionth time.

"Like I said last time, Yes!" There's something going on between them, but what?

"Mr. Herondale. Mr. Lightwood, and Mr. Bane, I will see you now." Principal Starkweather says.

We shuffle in and take a seat in the only slightly more comfortable seats in the office.

"So . . . I see you boys have been busy!" You could say that.

"Yes, well, there's only so much you can do around here. You know." I try to keep the mood light.

"I'll take to the board about that, but what I really want to know is why you young men assaulted Mr. Lilth."

"He's annoying." I said when Alec said,

"He messed with Clary and Jace" and Magnus said,

"He messed with Alec."

"I see you all have different motives but, since it's your first offense Mr. Bane you will only have one week of detention, same for you Mr. Lightwood." Alec and Magnus looked relieved and got up to leave. "Not quite yet gentlemen, you two will also need to apologize to Sebastian." Alec looked like he wanted to say something, but didn't. "And Mr. Herondale! You will have one month of detention, an extra five hours of community service, and you will also have to apologize to Mr. Lilth." There goes my plans for this month.

"Yes sir."



This chapter was weirdly fun to write! I am very weird . . .

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