The following day at school

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The following day only seemed just like any other day, except worse! Justin just won't stop the other day in the car he said he knew I was keeping secrets and that one way or another he was gonna find out what they were and I had no intentions of letting him find out. 1st hour went on same as usual. Math was boring and I was telling my friend in class about the stories I was writing. Justin had tried to eavesdrop and tried on more than one occasion to make his sister tell him my secretes, but she had claimed to not know any of them or she'd tell him, which then Justin replied that he believed her but no she wouldn't. The following class Justin was an office aid and we were in choir it was a good thing I was short and that Jazmyn stood in front of me because Justin had came into the classroom disguised and all. Hello Jason McCann what brings you to my classroom? Somebody that doesn't seem to be in your class which is too bad because they need her ASAP down in the office. I *Gasped* but only quietly enough that only Jazmyn had heard me. So when Justin left.... Farrah are you ok? I'll be right back. The emergency was that my mom had told the police to report back to us after they found out who killed my father. They had tried to kill all of us when I was at a very young age I barley knew my father and from what I did know I'm not sure I would've wanted him to have lived he had been a drug dealer had his own fair share of killing people, (Not really he's a DR.) he was a horrible man that same night that we had been shot at in our own home my parents had been yelling and screaming at each other wanting to file a divorcee where my mother was to only get me.

They came into our homes with guns shooting all of us thinking we had all been dead. Me and my mother lived through it, we got lucky my father died that night he's time had been finally over not only what he did was bad enough but he abused me a lot as a small child. I almost died one time from it. The shooting was better than my dad hitting me. If I could survive a hitting from my dad I sure as heck I could've survived that as well by a long shot being abused had been much more dangerous for me. When I got to the office the police said they found the guys that had killed my dad and shot at us they had been recently hung for all the crimes they ever committed. Before us they had killed a family of 4, you all know the name the Clutter's from the true story of "In Cold Blood" we haven't gotten to that part of the story yet but I've seen the movie once.

I didn't know if I was sad they killed him and had tried to kill us too relieved that they had been caught and killed or happy for ending a horrible man's life. Saving the rest of ours after they thought we had died too. Justin had heard it all and I just went back to class as if nothing like that had just happened. After that I couldn't stop thinking about the stuff the officers told me but somehow I did. The school day continued as if it had been a normal day. Then I had tech, our teach teacher said we could use all the help we could get. When Justin caught me I had said he asked me to help him just for today that they needed a lot of help.

I'm not sure he believed me though. After tech was over we had gone home all that day Justin had been suspicious of my every move and all the classes I'd gone too and still found out nothing. For now I was glad but he would get what he wanted sometime soon real soon just not tonight or anytime too soon but soon enough. He had his ways trust him.

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