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So it looks like we'll be training now, gee this will be fun. Actually maybe it will considering that we just found out that we all have powers. I went first, this was my fight with my ex, no one should've had to get involved, but they did, and I'd never forgive myself if something bad happened to them.

Ok everyone today we start training. We need to start training before your 18th birthday. Which will be in the next few months, so we need to start ASAP. Farrah come 'ere. Yes mom. This is my spell book you will learn how to use it, and the spells in it, this is your new magic wand.

Justin, this one is yours, and this is my copy of the spell books. Jazmyn come 'ere and turn around. She did. This is that very special necklace I was telling you about. As soon as she put it on, magic surrounded her, a bright light emitted from the necklace. This is your wand, Farrah will start her training first.

Well ok so training went pretty well, for the first part, then Justin went and did his training and things went pretty good with that too, then Jazmyn went again she did a great job too. Since the common power we all shared was sorta more or less that of a wizard, that's the part we did first.

The next day while Justin's mom worked with Jazmyn on her mermaid powers, my mom worked with me and Justin on our vampire powers. You know the usual Twilight kind of powers, so as usual everything is perfectly fine, training goes well and it's a good thing it does, because our training has gone on for more than just a few days.

This went on for a good few weeks, then our parents decided they wanted us to go up against each other and try to defeat each other, that's where the problem came, they wanted us to fight each other, figure out what we still needed work on, and fix those things, but we were all friends, so we didn't want to hurt each other.

So when that failed secretly, our parents cast a spell on all of us to make us look like our enemy. So when the next came and we were told to fight each other, it worked, a little too well. We defeated each other all right, just a little too much.

Well by then the spell had all wore off, and now we knew what we all needed to be working on, in case we did ever actually have to fight Anakin. Which in the future we would have to, until then evil doers beware the awesome fighting team of, well name to be decided on later.

Sorry it's so short, but moving along now..... Chow!

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