The fight

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It was finally the night before prom, I found myself once again putting that special cream on myself. I still had no idea what is was that Justin was talking about, but I think he knew my real secret, the top secret one that could get me killed if Anakin found out that he knew Justin knew. I was only just a little bit lucky that he didn't know that Jazmyn knew about it or I'd be dead already.

We were all at school the next day, people scattered when I was around him. There was no way to break free of this "spell." The only people that dared to come near me were Justin and his sister. So I've been thinking, those were always bad words to hear from the "villain." Maybe you're right. Who me?! Ha-ha yes you.

So what now you've turned into the perfect boyfriend or what? Silly little Farrah of course I have, I thought about what you said, and I'm sorry, can I have a hug? Um.... Well.... I wouldn't Justin whispered. Shh, are you trying to, never mind?.... Um.... Ok.... I guess at least one hug wouldn't be too bad.

Perfect. What are you planning sir?! Nothing now sweetheart. So in other words you really have changed?! Ok. So you were saying? Oh right maybe prom is a good idea. Really? Why? Well you want to go, and like I said I've been thinking and I should be a better boyfriend to you. In fact lets all eat lunch together today. Thanks Anakin.

No problem sweetheart, and I'm so sorry for everything bad I've ever done to you. Aw it's ok, you're still my boyfriend it's cool, things like that happen, but people change. (whispering) Just not usually overnight. What was that honey? Nothing just thinking out loud. Ok sweetie.

Justin's thought: I don't trust this guy nobody can change over night what's he planning?! Later at lunch. Hey Farr's can I talk you alone real quick?! Uh.... I say looking over at Anakin. Go ahead, I'll still be here, Jade will keep me company. Um.... ok. Let's uh go Jason. What did you want to talk about?! It's about Anakin.

Fine, go ahead. It's just I don't trust this guy Farrah! I know he's acting really strange. What do we do. You don't do anything Justin this isn't your fight it's mine. What I do is make sure he doesn't try anything you know as his usual person.... Ok, but I just..... I'll be fine Justin. After school Jazmyn and I go prom dress shopping.

So Farr's what kind of dress you thinking? IDK I guess something purple or blue. Really? Yeah why? Girl you got high Bieber fever you got it bad maybe I better call the DR. for the cure?! She says laughing. My phone starts going off, when Justin called ironically enough playing that song. I start blushing big time face palming. Jazmyn can't stop laughing. 

Really? Sorry. Hello?

Justin: Soooo..... How's it goin?

Me: Justin this isn't funny!

Justin: You're telling me at least you got to hang out with a person you trust!

Me: Sorry.

Jazmyn: (In background) Hey Justin guess what?

Justin: Am I on speaker?!

Me: No she's just really loud!

Justin: LOL, what's up Jazzy?

Jazmyn: Her phone song for you is great!

Me: Jazz don't you dare!

Justin: Oh ya! That's my pop princess. Which song is it?

Me: Well now I'm probably gonna change it to POP Princess now, because at least then your sister won't make fun of me for it.

Justin: What is it?

Jazmyn: It's that Bieber Fever song.

Justin: Oh really?! Someone's got it bad!

Jazmyn: LOL that's what I said.

ME: Shut up! What do you want Bieber?!

Justin: I'm sooooo board especially being with a guy I don't like or trust.

Me: Sorry but I g2g have fun.

Now what? Now we pick out our dresses. Back with the boys Anakin is doing a voice note to self thing.... This is so great he's on the phone so he won't hear me talking to myself.... Justin's thoughts: Uh oh what is he up to?!

Farrah thinks I've changed, but really I'm still as bad as I was I just want her to love me again and away from that Justin guy. Once he's out of the way she'll be mine again and nothing can stop me, I'll be the best boyfriend she's ever had and I won't hurt her anymore until it's too late for her to run back to that Bieber guy or whoever he claims to be.

Oh no I was right I better call Farrah back she'll want to hear about this! He calls back, but I don't want to answer the phone. Jazmyn's going with me to prom, but we the couple are going together, she's meeting us there. When we all get home. Anakin went home so it was just us 3. Farrah we need to talk.

What about Anakin again?! He's changed Justin. No he hasn't! I heard him myself! You're just jealous Justin he's changed! Jealous?! Farrah this is the same guy that abused you for so long! How do you know about that?! Because of the odd cream stuff you have in your bathroom, and I saw it happen when you had him over for dinner and we told your mom what he did.

WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! If he finds out he's gonna kill me! See! This isn't about you or him or us! It's just about prom! Don't go you need to stay here! No way! WHAT WHY?! Because he won't hurt me, he said he's done doing that. Fine if you won't believe me find out for yourself! I WILL! I DON"T NEED YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!

While at prom we were having a great time. Do you think everything will be ok? It's your brother he'll be mad about it for a while, but he'll come around, let's not worry about him right now. Where is Anakin he said he was gonna meet us here?! An hour later he shows up and he comes over to me. Where have you been?! Sorry.

It's alright. Come on let's go have fun! Oh I plan to. What did you say dear?! Nothing just thinking out loud. Ok? Later Jazmyn has walked away and hears Anakin talking to himself.... Ha my plan worked no Justin in sight she's alone except for his sister. I'll get her out of the way too, then when she's alone and we're all by ourselves she'll be in for a big surprise. OF PAIN!

*Gasp* I need to tell Farrah. Farrah?! Where are you?! Farrah?! Why are you crying?! Justin was right. I wish I never pushed him away and maybe now he could've been here to protect me. What happened?! Anakin happened!

What did Anakin do this time, well you'll have to find out in the next Chapter..... Justin to the rescue.....

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