The surprise I have for you

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The Monday at school there was no Anakin in sight, he wouldn't dare come to school for a while after what we did to him. Now that everyone knew it was Justin and his sister, we could all actually be ourselves. Everyone went on in their daily lives, we always were together after that night, and we should we were officially boyfriend and girlfriend. Everyone would aww and coo at us, and none of it seemed to phase or bother the Biebers in any way shape or form.

They were celebrities after all, I'd think they'd be used to it by now. We did all those little usual BF and GF things like holding hands, small kisses here and there, him carrying my stuff to my class, or our class sometimes as he walked me to the classes. We sat with each other at lunch like we usually did, except, only a couple things changed, and for whatever reason only seemed to bother me. The 3 of us had our own little table alone, people would come up and ask for his autograph and whatever cause that's what celebrities do, I was ok with it for the most part.

We would sometimes walk into class late and nobody cared, no one told our parents yet we were dating, in fact that was the only part of prom we didn't tell people about. We'd have to soon though. After school was fun, considering he drove around in a convertible, you know while he was supposed to be just a "normal" kid, before people knew who he was.

We all got into the car, on our way home, Jazmyn sat in back, Justin drove, I sat next to him. We went to his house first, good thing our houses were all right next to each other, after they moved here. Mom we're home. He called. Coming, she called back. Oh Farrah, it's nice to see you, she said rushing off around the house to do who knows what.

Mom?! Justin was is so important that you have to stop me from doing my house work?! She came back over we rose our hands intertwined out to her, and she smiled at me hugging me with happy tears in her eyes. Welcome to the family soon to be daughter in law. Thank you Pattie. Oh sweetie you don't know how long we've all waited for the 2 of you to finally get together.

Now all of you go next door and tell her mom the good news. So we did my mom had the same reaction towards Justin. After that was all finally over, we had to fly to L.A. so we could tell Justin's manager, and all his friends. He sent out a national message to all of his fans about us, the next day, Scooter had us get up early,cause he said we had to "just tell the whole world" I rolled my eyes, and *sighed* school will never be the same again, and it was only the Monday after we became BF and GF, you all saw how that turned out.

Was this you're "big surprise" for me you're "big plans for us" you were talking about the other day? If you mean the part that hasn't come yet, as in the interview then yes it is. Interview? Justin Drew Bieber! Shh now lovely. You're lucky I love you. Soon we we were on live T.V. being interviewed. A camera and a mic were both thrown in our faces, just as it had all began.

Who are you how old are you and when and where did you sweet little couple meet?! Ok, ok slow down, one at a time. We smiled at the camera's as I pulled Justin down to my height whispering.... I'm going to "kill" you. Don't pretend that you don't like it. I'm sure I wasn't aware I was pretending, it's funny that I don't like all this attention, when I want to do with my life is.... Never mind.

Ok well hi, I'm Farrah, I'm 17 same as Justin we met when were 8 years old in Canada, but then they all became famous and we didn't see each until the like beginning of this year, he had no idea who I was, his sister somehow however did, I dated another guy not too long ago up until Saturday night, when my knight and shinning armor showed up and rescued me. At the words "knight and shinning armor" I reached over and grabbed at his sides, not showing on camera, the only little bit of reaction was Justin just holding me closer flinching, as I did.

He didn't dare say or do anything the rest of the time. The interview finally ended, the first words he said to me being, You're gonna regret that, he said kissing me, as we got back into the car on the ride home, we got back on the plane all 3 of us, since Jazmyn had come along. She watched as I fell asleep listening to music, and he fell asleep putting a "note to self" into his phone. She read the note, Note: Note to self, now that we're BF and GF finally, and now that we're official in the rest of the world, Jazmyn rolled her eyes at the long explanation, then continuing, I want to show her how much she means to me, and find a way to apologize to her for freaking her out about the interview, I was thinking, maybe a romantic dinner, a promise ring and a silver necklace.

Somehow get my sister involved so that she won't feel like a 3rd wheel, I'm the worst brother ever, but I am a pretty good BF, most of the time. I'm so glad to finally call her mine. When I say I want her involved, I need to figure out a way to measure her finger, to get the ring on her. I'll probably do the dinner for her birthday, I'd also like to know why, it looks like our parents are only a couple years older than us, and how they stay so young looking? Oh well. BTW I figured someone like you Jazzy would be reading this, your welcome, BTW, just don't say I'm not a bad brother, cause I really am, but hey you know the plan now, care to help me out?!

Oh that little sneak, yes I'll help, I'm so excited.

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