Justin to the rescue

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Farrah what's wrong? Jazmyn asked me coming up to me seeing me crying. It's Anakin, Justin was right! What did Anakin do, we're all about to find out. What did he do? You saw him you were coming to tell me weren't you? Oh yeah I was. Something tells me you saw too though or you wouldn't be crying. What did you see? I didn't I heard him talking into his phone with and evil smile.

Why what did you see? I saw a girl, another girl, that was so much better than me with Anakin he was kissing her, and they were laughing. Oh Farrah I'm so sorry. I got up and walked out of the party and sat on the curb, alone. I can't believe he did that, after all this time that I wanted to break up with him for abusing me and he cheats on me?!

That is like so not ok! Well neither is this I'm sitting here talking to myself crying, I should just go home, I didn't even want to be here anyways. I'm going home. I'm gonna text Jazmyn and tell her I'm gonna find a way home. Me: Hey Jazz I'm gonna get a ride home see ya. Jazz: No way you can't leave yet! Me: Why not?! Jazz: o-o.... Me: Well?! Jazz: I have a surprise for you. Me: I'm not in the mood. Jazz: Not in the mood for someone special to come and make the night better even to get a little revenge on Anakin?! Me: Ok *sigh* I'll stay, but make it fast! Jazz: Yay K Bye. A little bit before that....

Jazz: Come on Justin pick up, pick up!
Justin: Hey what's up?
Jazz: Farrah needs you.
Justin: No she doesn't she made that clear as day.
Jazz: Yes she does Justin because you were right and she learned that the hard way.
Justin: What happened?!
Jazz: It doesn't matter now do you want revenge on Anakin or not?!
Justin: Jazmyn?!
Jazz: Come on Justin?! You love her don't you?!
Justin: Yeah, but....
Jazz: Just get your butt over here and be a hero!
Justin: Fine I'm on my way.

At the dance.... Holding out for a Hero starts playing

how lovely holding out for a hero is playing. Lights flicker in and out. Jazmyn what is going on is this your doing? You'll see. Justin has a microphone not in disguise of any kind off stage getting ready to come on. Voice over: Hey you guys you all know me as Jason McCann, but that's not the real me you're about to find out who I really am right now! Justin says appearing on the stage everyone screaming out his name.

Yeah hi it's good to see you all, it's real great to be here. Farrah are you out there somewhere? Farrah if you would please come to the stage at the front of the dance there are a couple of "things" I'd like to say to you. Everyone aw's a light shines down on me as I cover my face from the light. Jazmyn you too. This is my sister you guys you all know me, but if you don't I'm Justin Bieber and this my sister Jazmyn. Farrah would you come here please, I want the whole school to know what I think of you?!

Ooh! Everyone oo's as I approach. Justin can see the visible tear stains on my cheeks. These couple of things sum up the last couple of days I've spent with you and that one guy, including tonight. So here it goes, music please?

after he is done with the first song he goes into another song 

wow was all I could say. Farrah I'm so sorry, I hope you can forgive me for everything I did, I was only trying to protect you from that Anakin guy. I know you were Justin. I said giving him a great big hug. Now can I have this dance? As if on cue that song too also started playing in the background. 

I giggled at the song. Or, he said would you prefer this song instead, since it's together OUR first dance? 

Oh you?! I said laughing lightly hitting his arm. He took my hand in his and everyone spread out and formed a circle. Um.... They're all watching Justin. Let them watch, you just take a deep breath and close your eyes and let your feet guide you. We did the whole prince and princess thing.... May I have this dance? He said bowing toward me. Of course you may prince Justin. I said giggling holding out my dress to curtsy.

We danced together hand and hand as everyone watched and aw'd at us. When the dance was over Jazmyn handed him a flower and he got down on one knee. Everyone *Gasped* No this is no marriage proposal, but Farrah since we are still gonna be together forever more ever since our mom's decided our fate, will you please do the honor of taking that first step and becoming my girlfriend? Of course Justin. As if on cue this was playing right after that....

Really Justin? Hey you already said yes. Tomorrow I have big plans for us. Oh really, and what might those plans be? You'll see it's a surprise. All through the rest of the night we never left each other sides, and we did actually get revenge on Anakin. We kidnapped him and tied him up knocked him out and stuck him in dunk take full of the worst sent ever, Skunk spray. When he opened his eyes and we had untied him, Justin hit the target bulls eye and he fell in. We had covered his clothes in the scent of bacon and as he ran away from the party he smelled so bad and yet dogs chased him for miles and Justin video taped it live and put it on the internet. He was like so totally screwed!

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