Magical core

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When our mom's do arrive finally, they seem very concerned. How are you baby? I'm fine mom really? Now what's Anakin talking about? She *sighed* sitting at the edge of the bed, Justin's sitting in one of the many chairs in the hospital room. My mom pulls out a book, it starts to glow. What is that mom?

It's a book of spells my love. Mom has one just like that. How do you know? I've seen it before, it was out of my reach when I was younger, but now that I'm bigger and taller, I can easily reach it, but I tend to try to forget about things I'm too short for. Justin your mother and I and both of your father's and Anakin's parents we were all great friends, the very best of friends in fact.

Your dad Justin was a wizard, and your mom is a vampire, and Farrah I am also a vampire and your father was actually mortal with a magical core on the inside. Justin you have your father's powers, and Farrah you have both of our powers. You both posses the gift, so you are meant to be together. Justin your father dated me for sometime and Farrah's father dated your mom for sometime, it would've ended that way if the gift had allowed it to be that way, that tree where the tree house the 3 of you built out of the tree with your names also en-carved to the side of the tree in a heart, is right underneath the 4 of us.

You will end up together, your powers are supposed to come on your 18th birthday however that is also when you both will stop aging. As for Jazmyn, you dear my mother your grandmother my love was a mermaid, her husband was a wizard as well, all of you will stop aging at 18. We are all immortal. Then what about our father's? Both your father's died the only way our kind can ripping our limbs apart and burning them with fire, not that it matters since both your father's weren't very nice people.

What about Anakin? Anakin shouldn't had said what he said, he is a werewolf. He isn't dead, you will see him again, just not probably anytime soon, Anakin's parents were part of the vampire werewolf treaty. We weren't supposed to be friends. His powers won't come until 18 either and he also won't age anymore after 18.

Our family has a fude between the families, but we still kept the treaty. It brought me great fear when you started dating him, but I thought Anakin was so super nice, little to my knowledge that, that's how it all starts, we all used to be great friends when we were your age. But you just said we stop aging at 18 you're both in your 30s. Yes well you stop at 18 until you have children then you stop aging fully at 30.

Human years, immortal years you will continue aging, but will always look whatever age you finally freeze at. There is a legend however that with in the family of your generation children those children the daughter of the product of being wizard vampire will fall in love with the son of the product of werewolf mermaid, a doomed and forbidding love, that they will end the fude, and become one. The cycle will come to it's end the curse will be over.

So we will see Anakin again, this is just great! Until then you all will need to be trained once your powers have arrived, until then you will live life normally. Take this book darling, Justin when you get home take mine and keep it with you. Jazmyn I have my mother's necklace if needed you can take voices of other's and change into a mermaid once wet and human when dry and turn into any other sea creature breathe under water talk to people under water and when non mermaids or non immortals go into the water they will have to be with you, if they are like werewolves or vampires or wizards dive into the water since they are already immortal they turn into mermaids as well.

This is so cool. Use them all with good intentions. Yes mom. Yes mom. Justin? Huh? I didn't hear a yes mom from you! But all the power.... Yes all the that you won't have until you're 18. Ok yes mom. Good. Get better sweetie. Thanks mom bye.

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