Why is he learning my secrets so fast?!

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Today was supposed to be a normal day but I had tech all day today the show was this weekend and I was still gonna be in it too. I wasn't in it much and to hide my face I wore a mask. Everyone knew why too. All except for the one person I didn't want finding out. So that was good. It's been a while since Justin tried to pressure me into telling him my secrets. I'm really glad of that. I'm super hoping he hasn't cracked his sister yet into making her tell him what she knows or I'm busted. I can't have that it just isn't gonna happen. He thinks he can just get what he wants because he's Justin Bieber! Well he can't his couple of excuses to knowing my secrets usually just comes down to, "If I knew your secrets maybe I could protect you from stuff don't you trust me?!" Or he'd say "If we have to some day get married shouldn't I know more then I already do of you?" I wouldn't give him answers I'd just stare out into space or try to change the subject.

I can't take it anymore! She has secrets and more than one of them I need to figure out what they are! But I don't want to bug her or pressure her into telling me because that went so bad last time. I figured out one secret but I think there's more to it then I figured out. I'd ask my sister because I know she knows but no matter what I do she won't tell me! Come on Jazz I'm you're brother that means you tell me her secrets please?! Ug! Now I'm just talking to air at least no one's around I wonder where she is she's not in class all day here comes Jazmyn. Hey Jazzy?! Shh Justin It's Jade remember?! Jason?! Sorry that's right. It's ok what do you want? Where's Farrah we dropped her off this morning together but she hasn't been in class?! IDK maybe it's like she said no one cares what she does so she doesn't have to follow the rules just like us. She has secrets the rest of the student body knows except for you and which is only fair since we all know its each other but the student body other than the staff doesn't know we're here. Do you know any of her secrets?

Yes actually I do! Oh really which one? The tech one. Oh ok? What? Nothing! She's at tech all day the shows this weekend. If she's here all day does that mean we can take her home after school today? IDK. Isn't there anything you know? Yes. Her secrets! Anything useful? "Yes no to get to the other side 1.59...." Jade I don't need to know the square root of PI! (Twilight) Oh? What I want are her secrets! Also this morning I saw some weird cream in the bathroom. Really what kind? The kind mom used to make me use to hide scars and bruises when I got into fights at school.

That's another secret Jazmyn knows a deep dark one a secret that actually matters unlike most of them he didn't know if it was mine or not and I hopped he wouldn't. Ok so this next part is just as not real as most of it except for that I even met this group of people. Ok so after this show so the weekend of the show in real life I met these kids that were just like me their names are Sarah Megan Anakin Adam Emily and Jacob and Sarah and Megan went me and Anakin to become BF and GF they have plans to get us together even if we don't care for them to or not and in this story there's always something like this the dream relationship gets together and things go fine until the girl has no way of getting out and is stuck now with the abusive BF. You always have to have that one chapter in these romance stories so that the one's destined to be together will be together which is Justin and I. I had tried many times to break up with him but the more I tired the more I got hurt worse.

I'm sorry Justin but these aren't secrets for me to tell. You really have to wait until she tells you herself or if you find out you're self. Fine then I will. That weekend was the show all my friends were there as cast my name was mask girl and my real name was posted on the tech crew. We acted like the perfect couple in front of everyone the group had no idea about this and neither did my parents the only people that knew of my secret were me Anakin and Jazmyn. When the weekend past it was Monday again and everything was going fine until.... I was in singing lessons I was singing Justin was on his way to come to our class to say hi to his sister when he heard singing going on and looked into the window and saw me singing.

I didn't see him but my teacher saw him and didn't tell me she just looked out the door's window smiling and laughing quietly waving her hand to shew him away. We continued on he was on the other side of the door listening but pretended like he wasn't he didn't even say anything to his sister until that week after. Good morning 2nd hour choir! Good morning Mr. Jason McCann how may we help you today? Everyone surrounded me so that I was hidden, I'm here to speak with my sister Jade. Someone else stepped in front of me when she moved and he smirked at me as Jazmyn moved to talk to him. Yes?

They went into the hall and started talking, Jazmyn hey so guess what? Justin I have no time for you're guessing games! Please go away! No not yet we need to talk. I know. What do you know? Tell me the truth! You can't handle the truth! (A few good men) Justin just spit it out and leave! I know Farrah's in there! How do you know? Because last week I was on my way down to say hi to you and I stopped and listened to the beautiful singing I heard. I looked into the door's window and saw her singing I stayed there until she was packing up and turned around and headed back to class so 1.5 secrets figured out plenty more to go.

1.5? Yes the tech I think there's more to that secret then I have figured out. Gee you think?! Geez Justin that's her point she doesn't want you to know her secrets. Why? IDK! Yes you do! Ok she doesn't trust you! Why IDK that time I'm honest I swear! Ok I believe you. Good because honestly if I were her I wouldn't trust you either. Why? Because you're not a very trustworthy person and you're always getting into trouble! That's not true! Then prove to her you can be trusted. How? IDK but I know you'll figure it out.

He went back to class and Jazmyn finally came back in. Farrah?! Yeah?! I need to tell you something! That's not good! So she did. Oh my God! I know right?! Thanks Jade! No prob. Next hour was resource and when I came out I looked around for Justin didn't see him and left to go to theater class. Justin came out from behind a corner watching me leave. He went to my class and ask my teacher what kind of class it was and when she told him it was resource he asked what that was she said it was for kids that have IEPs that struggle with school and need help to keep up in class so that they could understand what was going on in class it let's kids come down to this class and work on homework and they come down to work on test and quizzes and other stuff. Why are you asking? Do you have Farrah in your class? Yes I do she just left she's the best kid I have in my 3rd hour class. Why? Just asking thanks.

When I got home that afternoon Justin hadn't said a word to me about school we got home and hung out. Report cards for mid quarter grades had came in the mail that day and Justin had gone to get the mail and opened the grade cards not telling anybody. I started off with straight A's but because I was struggling I now only had A's in 2nd 3rd and 4th hour all the others were B's not only that but it gave all my classes he found out my theater secret sorta he knew I was taking the class now. He didn't say anything about the grades my parents didn't care and thought I was just trying my hardest, not really in real life they do but not here in here they don't care. Hey Farrah? He asked as Jazmyn and I played just dance on the Wii. Yes? I asked not paying attention and beating her butt at it even though in real life I suck at dance. If you ever need help or you're struggling with school let me know and I'll be more than happy to help you out.

Yeah uh huh thanks Justin that's nice. Farrah? Did you hear what I just said? Yes why? Pause the game! Fine! Tell me what I just said? You said, I said pausing the game turning to him smirking evilly, pause the game! Before that? Oh you said, oh no! I said shocked as he looked over at me now smirking evilly! Busted!

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