Let's go to prom, nope not my thing

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I really wanted to go to prom, and I knew he would say no, so I never brought it up. I kept hinting at things, only Justin caught on, Anakin never would. Farrah just ask him. Why do you care I thought you hated my boyfriend?! I care because you're my friend we're supposed to be more than that remember?! Yes I remember, but I'm not with you right now I'm with Anakin.

He's no good for you. What do you know? I know more then you think I know Farrah! Just let me handle it on my own, I'll ask him to prom when I feel like it. That's not what I meant, but ok fine just go. So I did. I finally asked him to go to prom. He said he didn't want to go and told me he thought I didn't either. I said I thought it would be nice to go together as a couple since that's what we were. I knew if we didn't he'd just use that long night for him to abuse me more than he already had.

I didn't want to go to prom, but I also didn't want to be hurt. He started yelling at me telling me that if I brought prom up again he was gonna seriously do some damage on me and gave me a warning. I just thought it could be fun you know, because that's what normal loving couples do, and it will show people we're normal boyfriends and girlfriends that love each other and have loving fun and you can't hurt me around a ton of people.

So that's what this is really about, going to be around a ton of people so I can't have my fun and abuse you?! To take my love to the next level with you, you are mine! Not anyone else's! Mine not even that Jason/ Justin Bieber guy mine you belong to me! Do I make myself clear?! I'm no idiot if that's what you're thinking Farrah I know who he is.

I never said you were Anakin! Yeah, but you were hoping I'd be too into hurting you and pretending in front of people to be the greatest boyfriend you've ever had so that you wouldn't tell on me so that no one could have you, but me, especially him! You'll never be him, he'd never hurt me! That's it! He said slapping my face as I fell to the floor holding my cheek trying hard not to cry trying hard not to show weakness toward him.

Fine I'll never bring up prom again. Good now get out of my sight, go on and go to your little friends. I'll see you Saturday. I wish I could say no I wish I could stand up for myself, but I couldn't I could never tell anyone Jazmyn was the only person that knew of this secret. Justin knew too, but I never told him he heard us that night at dinner I had no idea he knew. That could've been my guess though to what he was talking about when he said he knew more than what I knew he knew he knew more then I thought he did and he was just trying to protect me.

It would be too late that I found out Saturday was only 2 days away I hopped Anakin would come to his seances and take me to prom and change overnight into the perfect boyfriend that he pretended to be in front of everyone, but I should've known that could only happen in stories, I'm like a princess Anakin is the bad guy or the dragon that guards the princess in the tower, and that would make Justin my prince charming.

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