The more than wild day at school and the sick day

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The next day that we went to school was even more crazy then Monday had been. Not only did we get to do the same things we did Monday, but at lunch, we had to have a velvet rope around our 3 some table of me him and Jazmyn. And we had to have security guards with us everywhere we went.

Girls would come up to Justin asking for pictures and autographs, as usual nobody cared about me. Justin? Can we please eat our lunch in peace? I asked him. I wish we could sweetheart, but it's my job to give them what they want. I rolled my eyes. I decided I'd try to get something good out of it for myself if he just "had to do" this for the fans, which he did, he totally loves his fans, and he should, so I just kind of went for it, I pulled him by the collar closed my eyes, and kissed his sweet smelled like strawberry lips.

I pulled away and pushed at his chest, needless to say, they finally walked away and gave us our space. Finally. I'm sorry Justin, I love your fans, and one of your biggest ever, but I'm really hungry. He didn't say anything, he just pulled me in and kissed me, as I smiled into the kiss. He pulled away and ruffled my hair, sitting down.

Hey? Hey what you're the one that said you wanted to eat. I love you kiddo, now sit and eat, lunch is almost over. By the end of the day, we didn't even have homework. He somehow got some hot smart chick to do it all for us, her and her couple of friends. A limo pulled up in front of the school. Um.... Hop in let's go home. Um ok? He opened the door for me and his sister and he got in on the other side, I sat in the middle.

He wrapped an arm around me, I rested my head on his shoulder. Everyone ready to go back there? The driver asked us. Sure thing. A few weeks later Anakin was finally coming back to school. Why oh why had both of them been sick on all days like today. I was at school, no security guards currently around me. Anakin was pissed. He got laughed at when he came back to school, he knew exactly where my locker was, he was coming to find me.

I was at my locker about to go to my next class, when out of nowhere he totally slammed it shut, pieces of my hair stuck into it. That had only happened as an accident when Justin had tried to pull a stupid not harmful trick on me, he hadn't meant to get my hair stuck, I can't remember what the prank was anymore, but it had been actually kind of cute and funny. I hadn't turned around yet, so I was just like, Justin your not supposed to be here trying to pull some cute prank on me you're gonna get me sick go home.

That's when I was grabbed, and turned toward who I thought was Justin. I *Gasped* Anakin?! What are you doing back here?! Fore revenge, you BITCH! Luckily I could still yell for help. So I did. The guards came a few secs too late. All the other kids were already in class. He used a bottle of sleep gas to knock me out. Justin's guards came for me, but he sprayed stuff at them too, he then carefully tied me up, shoving a gag in my mouth, with a sack over my head, as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder out to his truck, and took me to some HQ of some evil lair.

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