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After Justin and his sister got me out of Anakin's lair, I was immediately brought to a hospital, to start healing. My wrists burned from rope burn and my mouth stung from the tape being ripped off so harshly, my head hurt from hrs. before where my hair got caught in my locker.

Farrah are you ok? I'll be fine you guys I promise. You can't promise things like that sweetheart, Anakin literally stabbed you in the back. I know, but what about how he said that myself him and our parents weren't as we claimed to be or whatever?!

He's crazy kiddo don't listen to him. Hopefully he'll be in jail for a while for the pain he caused you. That and or that he'll be dying soon. Justin you can't wish that on a person! I know I'm sorry, but I just don't know what I would do without you, that I would do if he had actually killed you.

Justin baby, no one can kill me that easily, I would never go down without a good fight. I know you wouldn't, that's what I'm so proud of. You've been taught well, somehow, either by someone or self taught. She's right Justin. Jazmyn tells him. Farrah is stronger than people give her credit for.

Jazz you're not helping. Yeah, yeah, can we go we need to get to the hospital fast as in ASAP fast like we needed to be there yesterday! She's right strong or weak, you still got stabbed, I have no idea how you're not in pain or bleeding out, but I'm gonna stop talking so that I don't actually Jinx it.

Yeah I know right that's weird I mean Anakin might be crazy, and abusive, but I guess it makes some form of sense, you know? As in magical creature sense? Farr's think about how crazy that sounds. I know I hear it too, but still, I can't help but wonder.

Meanwhile..... Anakin was waking up from the gun shot, starting to bleed out. You'll all pay for what you did Farrah and friends, mark my words you have not seen the last of me! He passes out police coming in to put him away, soon there will a trial for how long he'll be put away. Hopefully for a long time.

Once at the hospital..... Is she gonna be ok? Aside from her ex stabbing her in the back, after a few stitches she should be fine, you my dear child are lucky that you didn't bleed out and die, that you have healed rather quickly in the past few hrs. from a wound such as that, that you got to us as soon as possible, that that criminal is hopefully gonna be locked away for his crimes, that you have such kind caring friends here to protect you.

I am, I really am, thanks you guys. It's no problem sweetheart, none at all, as long as you are alive breathing and healthy along side of me in years to come true love can conquer all. He says kissing my head rapping his arms around me in a tight embrace.

Yes well would you like to stay over night, or do you think you're fine enough to go home. Has her mom been contacted? Yes she was, she'll be here as soon as possible. My phone goes off. It must be my mom, Justin will you please hand me my phone?

Me: Hello? Mom

Mom: OMG Farrah how are you are you ok?! What happened?!

Me: I'm fine mom really, Anakin is gonna be put away soon, the Dr. says I'm healing surprisingly fast, I was literally stabbed in the back, but I'm not in pain, and I'm not bleeding out, aside from them having to probably stitch me up a little bit, the Dr. says I'm fine and that I'm healing really fast, and that it's my choice if I just want to go home or stay the night.

Mom: I think it would be best to stay the night, just so you can heal to your best ability, besides I'm on my way currently, when you get better enough the 4 of us, you me Justin, and Pattie have to talk about something really important.

Me: Mom it wouldn't by any chance have anything to do with magical creatures would it?!

Mom: *Gasp* how do you know about that?

Me: Anakin mumbled something about it after Justin shot at him from kidnapping me.

Mom: Sweetie I'll be there soon, we 4 have a lot to talk about Pattie is coming with me.

Me: Ok mom see ya soon, I love you.

Mom: I love you too so much Farrah we'll be there super soon baby, hang in there.

Me: I will mom goodbye.

So what did she say? They're on their way that, my mom, your mom, and the 2 of us, have to have a really important talk, she said when I get better. Oh, well at least it won't be about anything about what Anakin was saying. About that. It is? Wait what?!

Duh, duh, duh!

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