Can't the house just be finished being built

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So Justin and his family decided they didn't want to stay at a hotel anymore, but the house they were supposed to stay at was not done being built. So instead of staying some place they weren't comfortable with they decided they were gonna stay with us until it was finished. Justin had his own room since he was the only boy and Jazmyn and I shared a room. Things were going fine for the next few weeks until.... One night I started having nightmares talking in my sleep. They always started out ok, my mom and me and my dad or my mom and dad and Pattie, my dad never mean to me or abusive no one ever yelling or screaming at each other no fighting no horrible anything everything was perfect. Justin me and his sister grow up together as best friends and never lose contact the plan of us still having the arranged marriage every time I was sad or Justin knew I had been keeping a secret from him all he had to ever do was to tickle me until I was happy or he got he what he wanted everything was perfect we got together like we should've and nothing bad ever happened everyone was always smiling and laughing. That's always how it started and for the past few weeks that all it ever was the same dream over and over again, but the more he got to know me and kept being suspicious of me the more worried I got and my dream started turning into a nightmare of horrible memories. If not memories then they were what could've been if my dad had never been shot which was he'd abuse me to death.

Jazmyn at 1st just thought since most of the time I had been laughing when I called out her brother's name that they were always good dreams, until one night it was a worried scream for his name. Justin?! She'd look over at me smiling but then when I said Justin again, Justin?! I was scared. The 1st time she thought I was gonna be ok. So she didn't worry about it I just kept talking in my sleep nothing to worry about right? The next morning I always woke up with new bruises, no one knew how they had got there one time we were joking talking about if I acted out my dreams but maybe I really did.

Daddy please don't hurt me?! Daddy you're drunk stop please daddy don't hurt me! Please daddy it hurts stop! Mommy help me. Mommy?! Mommy?! I'd then start crying there was either no one to help me or they were fighting something about abusing me and getting a divorce the pain from the dream somehow got to me in real life. Then the shooting getting tied up and shot at. The next morning the police coming to help us and Drs. Coming to help us out. My dad long gone he actually had died. One time his ghost came back and made Justin abuse me and if that didn't happen then Justin had died somehow too other times the shooting never happened and my dad just would beat me to death and sometimes that's how it had ended other times my dad would shoot at Justin and I'd screamed out his name I'd begin sleep walking too 1st falling out of bed and then getting up and pretending to shoot at myself hitting myself against the wall tripping over everything.

One time Jazmyn held me still and had me sleep with her she wouldn't ever tell me what happened to make her want me to sleep with her though. Another time she chained me down but when I struggled out of the chains I was struggling from my dads grip so he couldn't hurt me and I'd scream out to be let go off. My mom says sometimes I'd have these nightmares before and had become a knock out sleeper and Pattie used to say that Justin used to do the same when he was younger and walk and talk in his sleep saying something about finding and being with me wanting to be with me before he was ever with Selena. She was just like my mom. Jazmyn didn't have that same solution so I had kept her up all night for the next couple of weeks one night when she was trying to help me out at least my walking had stopped but I had just kept crying for Justin so finally one night she had him come in and see what the problem was one night she recorded the things I had said so she could play it back for him.

She said he wanted him to sleep with us just until the house was finished being built and then I should be ok. The worse it got the more suspicious Justin had been of me that day he had started to give up from the past couple of weeks and they finally found out why things were happening that way. He didn't realize it had been him who had freaked me out so much that somehow was the cause of my nightmares so he dropped it for a few weeks. 1st he thought maybe it was my mind thinking it knew I couldn't keep secrets from him and the thought of not doing what I was told was the problem my mom said I was always afraid of not doing something I was told to do because my dad always hit me for every thing he thought I did wrong so I had always obeyed. So he stopped and he had let me calm down it went to just sleep talking, but it kept continuing after he stopped trying to anyways. He slept in bed with me one night and every time I had cried out for him he shhed me and pet my hair to calm me down.

Maybe she just needs to know that someone's there to take care of and protect her when I go to calm her down she seems fine afterwards until the next time she screams out my name. This went on for another couple of weeks and I had no idea he had done this and one day a few week after the house had been being built since I had no idea I ever did this one day I woke up thinking Justin and his family were nothing but a dream, until one time he came over and my mom said Justin had came over to hang out I was down in the basement on the computer and said ok she had sent Justin down and he saw I was focused and went to scare me. When I went to attack he was surprised that I was so surprised to see him that I caught him off guard and pinned him down easily. Justin?! What are you doing here, oh I'm sorry have we not met hi I'm Justin Bieber I live next door we've been friends for a long time now. We have? Yes we just moved to our house a few day ago we stayed here remember? Oh I said rubbing my arm I haven't gotten much sleep in the past couple of months so when I finally got some I guess I thought I dreamt all of that.

Yeah you slept a lot just not real well. He said sadly. I asked what happened he told me and then played back the recording his sister had made. Then I had proceeded to cry to him telling him all about my nightmares and how horrible they were. He hugged me telling me everything was gonna be ok and how no one was ever gonna hurt me.

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