What do you know and how do you know?!

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To recap, well what else is there really? Justin found out my secrets pretty much all in one day. I'm pretty much busted. How he did it only the readers know as of right now. Well Jazz told me as much as she knew, but she only now knew as much as I knew.

Farrah? Did you hear what I just said? Yes why? Pause the game! Fine! Tell me what I just said? You said, I said pausing the game turning to him smirking evilly, pause the game! Before that? Oh you said, oh no! I said shocked as he looked over at me now smirking evilly! Busted!

Duh, duh, duh. Now to continue....

I'm sorry would you mind running that by me again? You, my more than fine friend, are super duper busted! What are you talking about? Come see for yourself. I kept the game paused my face a scared frown Jazmyn with her hands on my shoulders behind me, also confused and upset just as I was. What do you know and how do you know it? Whatever do you mean? Justin asked evil smiling at me crossing his arms over his chest. Justin?! Yes? How do you know the info you know about? I asked mimicking him.

These came in the mail on our way home. He said holding up all our grade reports. Let's see All A's for me and my sister and what's this B for math A for.... Wait what is this class here? It's nothing! Really because I think it says, uh C H O I R. Which is the same class Jazmyn has that same hour too and I've never seen you in that class. I'm not in that class the school has it all wrong! Oh and what's this? This is your 3rd hour it says Resource and 4th hour says Theater then 5th 6th and 7th hour are all b's your elective classes are all a's, but somehow not the rest of your classes. Does your mom even know about this?

Yes, but she don't care. She knows, but she knows I'm trying my best. Farrah I know you can do better than that. Now what's really going on? Ok When my father was still around he abused me when I didn't do well in school, and it scared me to not fail and get good grades so I got good grades out of fear, but then that just caused me to be full of stress. My mom took me to a Dr. and the Dr. said if I don't start calming down and taking it easy I was gonna give myself stress cancer. In other words I could somehow get cancer from being too stressful or whatever IDK my real parents told me this in real life. So I started relaxing which got me to stop caring so much about my grades and my mom's ok with that because at least I'm not stressing out and the school knows I have this extreme stress problem and don't care what I do.

And actually aside from that I have no idea how to do any of this stuff I don't understand. School's always been a struggle for me. If you'd like I can help you. Thanks, but no thanks I'm good with the grades I have now I really am trying my best though. Farrah the 3 of us are in class together if you need help we can help you they asked me if the classes were too easy for me and if I wanted to take AP classes same as Jazmyn and we said we'd rather stay with you in case you needed our help with anything.

Thanks, but really I'll be ok. If you say so. Yeah I do, now do you want to come play our game with us? I'd love that thanks.

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