Too late!

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Previously on IIMTBIS

I *Gasped* Anakin?! What are you doing back here?! Fore revenge, you BITCH! Luckily I could still yell for help. So I did. The guards came a few secs too late. All the other kids were already in class. He used a bottle of sleep gas to knock me out. Justin's guards came for me, but he sprayed stuff at them too, he then carefully tied me up, shoving a gag in my mouth, with a sack over my head, as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder out to his truck, and took me to some HQ of some evil lair.


Back at home Justin had just received the call that Anakin had arrived at the school. Even though Justin and Jazmyn were still as sick as dogs, after hearing this new info, nothing was gonna stop them from getting to the school, they hurried into their clothes, and had the limo driver step on it to get to the school.

Not knowing that the rusty truck that was pulling away was Anakin's, when they got here they ran inside of the school. We're here, we're here! Anakin don't touch her take us instead it was all my idea! Justin said running ahead screaming it at the top of his lungs.

When everyone finally heard Justin screaming interrupting classes, everyone soon came out. His guards, the police, the staff, and students, everybody came out to see what was going on, they saw Justin, with sister in tow, but no Anakin, and no me. The guards that had been knocked out from Anakin's little get away had awoken just moments after he had kidnapped me.

Justin what's going on? We got a stressful call saying that Anakin had entered the school if that's true..... He said pausing catching his breath..... Then, where, IS HE?! He yelled out clutching and unclutching his fists. He's gone Justin, he knocked us out and took her, we weren't fast enough to get to her, we were so so close Justin we almost had her in our arms.

NO! THIS ISN'T HAPPENING! Justin Jazmyn said resting a hand on her brother's shoulder. Justin had tears in his eyes trying to hold them back. She can't be gone! That Bastard couldn't just had taken her, who know's what he'd do to her. Don't answer that I can't even think about all the dirty filthy horrible things he could do to her, well I can, but I don't want to.

He ran up to my locker finding bits of hair that had been ripped from my head after Anakin slammed it on me, he had done that once before, but when Justin did it it was an accident, when Anakin had done when he kidnapped me it was on purpose and he was pissed at me.

No! no, no, no! He cried taking my hair out of the locker bits opening it, to reveal an envelope with his name on it. Justin shakily opened the card in fear reading the note. "You and your girlfriend will pay for what you did to me, but she is first and actually by taking you're love away from you making you miserable is already plenty torture for you on its on, but I have BIG plans for Farrah, come and find her before it's too late Justin, yeah I now it's you and that Jason or whatever you called yourself isn't really your real name, come on Justin time is ticking tic toc tic toc, you want to ever see her alive again, come alone to try and save her, come find me, I'll be waiting if you bring anyone with you you're shorting you're little girl's life if you do." - Anakin signed in blood, my blood in his name.

No he hadn't killed me, he needs me alive, for now..... He cut me a little bit when he was trying to kidnap me. Justin scrunched the note up into a ball ripping it to shreds remembering everything that the note had said, remembering that he had hurt me that he had sign ed his name in my blood, that Anakin had hurt me for what Justin hoped would be the very last time, that when he got his hands on Anakin, Anakin will be begging that he didn't, or at least that's what Justin hopped.

We have to save her, wait no jut me, he'll apparently kill her if I bring anyone, I just hope he hasn't yet since he obviously signed his name with her blood. He said angrily with bitter hot tears in his eyes. Anakin you will pay for this!

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