2 Years Before Disaster

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In 1918, Roman bought a house in the human city. Peace between the species wasn't there yet, but he hoped to obtain it so his sons could grow up without worry of him getting harmed, or worse. Wingdings was 16 years of age and nearly old enough to join the Mafia as a valued member. At this point, it was only his parents and a friend of the family that remained. Six members of the Mafia total. He was helping the 6 year old Papyrus into his trousers. The kid still hadn't quite gotten the hang of strapping his suspenders without tangling them. The 11 year old Sans finished buttoning his vest and plopped on his fedora before going to help Pap with his vest. "I CAN DO IT, SANS, I'M A BIG BOY!" The youngest yelled as Wingdings got the last suspender clipped on. "Well then, get it on and fetch your cap!" Wingdings shooed the boy off. "he's gonna be the best of us.." Sans grinned, wagging his tail. "Well now, who are these handsome young gentlemen and what have they done with my pups?" Roman joked, a bit surprised that they'd cleaned up so quickly. It's how he knew they were excited to see the human city. Of course, they wouldn't be able to go out in public yet. There was still tension between species, but hopefully they would soon enough.


"Someday, this will be our home boys.. try to stay away from the windows and-" Papyrus took off with Sans trying to catch him. "it's bad manners not to take off your hat and coat first!" Roman sighed heavily while Pretoria took off her petticoat and went after the boys. "Your father wasn't done talking to you!" Wingdings chuckled, tail swaying as he looked up to his father. "I was listening." Roman smiled, putting a hand on Wingdings skull. "I know you were. You're a good boy, Dings." Wingdings scowled as he took off his own hat and over coat, Roman following behind. "Father, whyyyyyy?" Roman snorted. "Because of reactions like that!" Wingdings and Roman hung their things. "You know I hate being called that.."
"And you know I will continue to call you that because I love you." Roman replied. "When I am Don, nobody will ever call me that!" Wingdings stated as Sans and Papyrus was dragged in by their mother. Sans grinned apologetically. "'m sorry, was trying to get pap.." Papyrus was very quick to take off his coat and hat before taking off again, tail whacking things behind him. While Sans took off his coat and hat, Wingdings picked up Papyrus' things with a heavy sigh. "That boy.."
"Papyrus will learn. I will be in my office if you need me, it's just down that hall." Roman pointed down the hall for Wingdings to see. "And I'll be in the kitchen. Keep an eye on your brother's, Wing?" She asked. "Of course, mother.." His tail hit the ground. He didn't want to watch them again.


Papyrus tore around the house on all fours, trying to avoid his brother's while they tried to keep him out of trouble. This often resulted in them getting into trouble anyway. This is why Wingdings hated babysitting. Sans had been easy to take care of. He was content listening to the radio and doing something with his hands, not to mention that Wingdings was still young himself. Now he was nearly of age and wished desperately to take responsibility for his whole family. Do something important like fight beside his father. Not this. Wingdings split off from Sans, hoping to cut the youngest off. Papyrus squealed as he collided with the eldest, toppling them both over. "That's enough, Pap. Mother and Father will not be pleased if you're all dirty before dinner." Papyrus whined. "OK..." Wingdings noted that Sans hadn't come in the room yet. "Now what happened?" He sighed, going out to get Sans. "Go to the bathroom and get washed up, Papyrus." Papyrus nodded and went to follow his big brother's orders while Wingdings found Sans in the hall, crouched and shaking. "Sans..?" The younger's head snapped up at him, the glare startling him. The most worrisome part was that his eyelights were yellow slits.. "S-Sans..?" Just like that, his eyelights went back to normal. He looked a bit confused. "didja get him?" Wingdings nodded. "Yeah, are you ok?" Sans nodded. "yeah.."


Dinner was served and Wingdings and Sans decided not to mention the strange occurrence. Sans simply didn't know how to explain it. For a moment it was like he was there, but he wasn't in control. For Wingdings, it was simply a strange moment that could have meant nothing. Sans said he was fine, so he would believe it. "So how do you like it, boys?" Roman asked. "the food or the house?" Roman chuckled while Pretoria answered. "Both."
"THIS IS THE MOST AMAZINGEST HOUSE EVER! ARE WE LIVING HERE NOW?" Papyrus' tail was going again. "Hopefully someday soon. We are just staying a night." Roman replied. "Your cooking is as exceptional as always, mother." Wingdings praised. Sans agreed. "like the place, like the food, love the family." Roman smiled. "Good because this is the only family you have other than-" The phone started to ring and Pretoria went to get it. "This is Pretoria. Mayor Toriel? He's been- I-I see.. I will let Roman know. Thank you, Tori.." She hung up the phone. "What was it the Mayor wanted?" Roman asked. "Doplo is dead. It is just us 5 now.."


The room went somber and it was decided that they'd return home immediately. Roman had to plan the dusting ceremony, after all. Humans were significantly more dangerous than monsters, so he wouldn't just leave his wife and sons in Ebbot to be caught and killed. So home they went, until Roman could make peace with the humans and return to his house in Ebbot. It would be the last time that Times New Roman would see that house in the human city.

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