Last Day to Live

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"56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62..." 62. You only had 62 G and you had to pay those Skeletons today. It seemed, today really was your last day to live.. you clenched your fists. And hell if you were going to spend it if fear. You would stay home in the comfort of your home rather than quivering before the deadly Sans. If you were going to die, you weren't going to make it easy for him. He was going to have to find you. You decided to look your best when you made it to the afterlife. You washed up, brushed your [H/L] [H/C] hair, applied whatever makeup you wanted, and put on your favorite [F/C], [F/P] (Favorite Pattern) dress. After, you did everything that you could think to do at your house. If you were going to die, you were going to die happy.


Sans and Papyrus were going through the weapons they'd gathered from the new Mafias before they left for fee collection at 3. "heh look at this. it's a tommy gun." Papyrus poked his head over. "WHAT'S A TOMMY GUN?" Sans pointed at the weapon. "that. it's a thompson submachine gun, also known as a tommy gun. it was made nearly ten years ago to break the stalemate of trench warfare during the human world war." Sans explained as he inventoried the weapon with the other guns, knives, and bombs they'd gotten. "and this..." Sans pointed to another gun. "is a 1903 springfield rifle, also used in the human world war. if ya want, i can teach ya how to use it?" Papyrus looked around nervously. "WHAT ABOUT THE DON..?" Sans sockets went half lidded. "what the don doesn't know won't hurt him. as long as we don't turn the weapons against him, neither of us will be hurt." Sans replied. Was it revolution? Not yet, but Sans wanted to teach Papyrus how to use a gun so he could protect himself. "... IT'S ALMOST TIME TO GO. WE SHOULD FINISH UP INVENTORY BEFORE THE DON GETS ORNARY.." Papyrus would think on it, he wanted to learn, but he was scared of what the Don would do if he found out. "alright, alright. let's get this over with then.." Sans drooped at the prospect of his task today and his soul gave off another painful pang. She would be there.


But she wasn't. Sans couldn't see, hear, or smell her. There was no insistent pull either that would happen when she was near. It made him anxious. If she wasn't here, that meant something was wrong, and if something was wrong then the Don- he grit his teeth as he tensed with a sudden desire to attack the Skeleton. Usually his cuffs suppressed these urges. He glanced at Don Gaster who was overlooking the crowd with a professional and cold aire. "We are missing a couple humans." He noted as he noticed Sans stare. Sans nodded and avoided eye contact as he pushed down his aggression. "Papyrus, begin, we still have two more sections to commandeer before nightfall, and humans to track for their money." The Don decided. Papyrus nodded and started to collect the fee. Sans was lost in a battle between instinct and rationale. The thing about soulmate's is, no matter how Sane the monster was, nine times out of ten, instinct was the deciding factor of how to keep the mate safe and happy, and the Don was a threat. Sans instinct was leaking through because [Y/N] was potentially in a lot of danger and the Don was the source.


You had Al Jolson blasting through your gramophone as read through your favorite novel. You were waiting for the timer to go off. You had your last meal, [F/F], cooking right now along with a pan of brownies. Brownies and ice cream seemed like a suitable last dessert. All in all, this was a pretty damn good last day to live. You didn't have to worry about work or rent, or that damned fee. It was just you, finally taking some time to yourself and enjoying without fear. You wondered how long it would take for- "Nope! No negative thoughts on my final day!" You slapped your book closed and went to check on the meal and brownies. The timer chimed just in time too. You turned it off and pulled everything out, setting it down to cool. It smelled divine and you honestly would've shared if it WASN'T your last day to live.


The rich got 200 G poorer and the poor became smaller yet. Sans could only do so much to help, more and more were still dying monthly. With those two tasks taken care of, it was time to hunt for the humans that hadn't come to pay up. One of them was in the hospital and his wife took his place in pay, that left six that had to be tracked down for their money or killed if they didn't have it. With how many humans were in the city, one would think that the Don wouldn't be able to keep track of them all, but anyone who thinks that is dead wrong. He knew when a new human was born, when a human died, if new humans came in (its been about a year now since a new human came in, because once they did, they couldn't leave). He had access to all the documents, all the files.. He had Ebbot City on lockdown. "Go on now. Hunt them down and report to me afterwards." The Don gave the boys free reign to hunt and collect or destroy. Thing was, they wouldn't be coming back. This would FINALLY be the mission that changes everything for the boys. For better or for worse has yet to be decided as Sans and Papyrus separated from their Don to carry out.

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