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━゙┆CH  xiii.   ONLY ROOM FOR TWO

  ꜜ¡ warning/s implied smut ¡ꜜ

AN UNSEEN REALITY zipped through Akaashi's tensed state, a reality he voluntarily delved into unchained from second thought.

The boy's tongue riddled with melodies of romantic literacy considered details.

In fact, he loved madly in details.

Every small factor mattered and counted to him, and the reality vaguely etched behind the cloak of his closed eyes presented a future brimmed with detail about a girl laced with rays belonging to the sun.

Wasn't it ironic Akaashi's stoic heart pulled a funny face at any thought including Seina? Normally, a functioning heart with a completed maintenance check performed the cutest of flutters — cliche yet an unbeatable experience.

And his had. But, should it have (?) when another woman skirted within his bedroom walls. Her velvety lips coaxed in an poisonous sheen delicious to drink and a struggle to forget.

At first, Akaashi honestly hadn't bothered the school's 'new talk' with a second glance.

Numerous chirps of formal greetings pinched her round cheeks and flushed them a shade of Cupid's love once she timidly stepped inside his history class. Her sky blue bag was tightly grasped and nearly merged into her palm judging by her grip on the poor bag's strap.

As said prior, Akaashi thought nothing of her presence. She appeared sweet and he hadn't doubted she was, but a new girl residing in his class wasn't the biggest of deals.

Then she had offered him to shake her hand, melodic tone tuned to echo in absolute sweetness. He recalled the slight tremor masked beneath her kindness and slipped his hand into hers. A soft clasp of their conjoined hands contained the brief warmth vibrating off his own chipped bones.

A mere introduction showcased her personality; bubble-soaked yet reserved when wanted. Her contagious grin fleeted past all bystanders. The slightest gap between her two front teeth Akaashi deemed cute bestowed her unique, not too flashy and definitely not a negative.

And though they hadn't been seated together, she seemed quite thrilled to be paired with him when their teacher announced the project freshly set. Well, it's not as if Akaashi or Seina had any choice because their teacher assigned the homework partners, adding he thought 'Akaashi would be perfect and be able to show Seina the ropes. '.

Whatever that meant.

"Do you want to start today?" She anxiously asked once class was over and Akaashi halted hitching his bag onto his sturdy shoulder.

His lips briefly parted in search for an answer although he already knew his reply.

He sighed and observed how she bounced on the balls of her feet, a feather cascaded by the gentle whistle of eastern winds.

He merely bowed his head and curtly said, "I'm sorry I'm not available today. How does tomorrow sound though?".

It wasn't a blatant lie. He'd already arranged to see Y/n and hadn't acquired enough power to change such endearing plans.

It was Friday too. An unwritten night awaited to be composed in the midst of their trail searing with unexplainable flames. It's fumes erupted an indescribable aroma that once inhaled, overrode his logical sense and became replaced with mists of blush.

He noted her pupils that had been laced with intrigue shifted into a puddle of apology and her stature faltered suddenly.

"That's totally fine!" She exclaimed as her palms shook in front of her out of worry. "I'm sorry if I came across as eager...".

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