Chapter 6 - Massacre

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As they kill the last of the sailors in the port, Ai Vetria lets out a long whistle, and on it the woods another whistle is heard. A chain begins, and troops from different clans begin to emerge at the beaches. They begin to board the boats, thirteen full of soldiers. A small journey is taken, reaching the Kyran ports at night. A sailor comes to inspect the ship, and the side hatch opens and crushes him to death. They begin to pour out and invade, killing all in their path. Myne looks from the helm of the ship, and she points her sword forward.

Ai Vetria : AU VANTASA!

They all march towards Kyran, constructing rams and siege weapons as they move. Approaching Kyran, they see another army out on the hill, and it sends a squadron their way. Myne waits with a few other and Ai Vetria to recieve the message.

Ai Vetria : Aare you sure it is a message?

Myne : I am certain. A squadron of five are always messengers.

The messenger arrives, and hands her a paper. She reads it, and it is from her brother, Myran.

Myne : Tell Myran his sister brings aid. We take Kyran down together.

The messengers race back to the army on their horses, and relay the message. Myne inspects the area.

Myne : No one is on the walls manning the ballistae. Be careful. Begin with destroying them before anything.

They launch stones at the balistae, shredding them. Splinters of wood lay in the stone's wake.

Myne : Set the explosives at the base of the wall, and we will use the ram to set it off.

They prepare the ram by setting it along the wall. A rope is rigged to pull the lever that lets the ram loose, and the explosives are set on the wall. They head back, and Myne pulls the rope from a safe distance. A massive hole is made in the wall, but it is quickly sealed with ice.

Myne : Sorcery? Everyone, shields up!

A rain of ice spears rain down, and some of Myne's men are impaled. Her will does not falter, as once the volley ends, she sends a massive bolt of lightning at the ice. It shatters in a massive sonic boom, evaporating the ice into steam. She finally sees someone atop the wall.

Rusal : Forces of Gahlne! Surrender! We are impenetrable! My ice is unforgiving!

Myne : This is... inevitable.

Myne readies another lightning spear, and she throws it in a flash. The boom ruptures Rusal's ear drums as it passes near his head, unaware of the state of his wounds. He looks to his left, confused and dazed, only to see a cauterized void where his left arm once was. He screams, deaf and in pain.

Myne : The enemy has similar powers to Ai Vetria and I. Be very careful.

Ai Vetria : Carase en Kyran! Mago persela endir!

As they charge forward, Gahlne approaches the gates of Kyran, destroying them. Only the army of Kyran waits inside, as they evacuated civilians to the inner portion of the city. They fight, and cleave their way towards the palace. Myne aims her hand straight down a road filled with Kyran soldiers. She channels fire along with her lightning, and a beam of super hot plasma silences the battlefield. A beam of concentrated heat rushes own the street, and only brittle skeletons remain. An entire half of an army defeated in less than a minute. Her allies stay behind her at all times, but anyone too close suffered from 4th degree burns, fated to death. The stone in the area she fired is almost white-hot, and molten glass oozing from the windows of the buildings. She feels the same cold as when the ice rained down.


More ice spears rain down on them, and others are impaled. Rusal looking down from the wall, angered. Ai Vetria sends a stone towards him, and it begins to accumulate the ash and debris around it, quickly becoming a boulder. Rusal tries to move out of the way in time, but his ears ruin his balance and he tumbles. The boulder crushes him, leaving a pool of blood running down from the wall. Rusal's ice wasn't in vain, as it cooled the stone in the street enough to walk on it. Three more people wait on the other side. One of which, Myne remembers.

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