Chapter 15 - The Westward War

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The ocean lays calm, torn by the fleet of ships making their way to the Aserian coast. Girahan makes no surprise assault. They blow their war horns, and the sound rips through the calm coastline. The boats line the port, and they charge forward. The ballistae aim downwards, unaware of the death that takes the form of a single woman. Queen Myne lifts her palm from the helm of her ship, and a beam of concentrated plasma silences the defenses laid on the walls. The port city is ransacked, civilians taken in mass as prisoners. The troops lay waste to any guards left over, claiming the port city. Allisia helps Myne down from the helm, and they make their first steps onto new land.

Allisia : Aseria shouldn't know we've taken their port yet. We have two routes we can make right now. Their country is split up by districts, and that enables us to completely cut off a section of their country if we capture it. The alternative is making a stand and charging to the epicenter. The districts will most likely surround us in that path.

Myne : We attack their districts first.

Allisia : Shall I send out the order?

Myne : I will do it. Help me onto that platform?

Allisia : Of course.

Allisia escorts Myne onto a large stone platform, and she clears her throat.

Myne : People of Girahan! We have made our first victory over Aseria! In the days to come, we shall crush their districts, then cut the head off of this foul hydra! At dawn, we make way to the first target! We will take their food, their surpluses, and starve their troops! We will take their steel and metal, and reinforce our vanguard! We will burn their libraries and scrolls, and leave them with no spells! This will be Aseria's downfall!

The army cheers, and morale is at an all time high. In terms of equipment, the average Girahan soldier wields anti-sorcery armor and weapons, and is branded by the stone. Every soldier has access to some level of sorcery, the frontlines containing more rudimentary sorcerries. If all goes as planned, Aseria will essentially face a one sided massacre. The troops start to move supplies off of the boats and into the city. The prisoners they kept are all civilians, mostly men. Overnight, the port becomes a fortress. Med-mages are an infinite source of healing, keeping all the troops in top shape in less than an hour. Even the most severe wounds can be reversed if they are treated in time. No siege weapons are needed, as earth and fire sorcerries can be used to destroy defenses. Water is a non-issue, as water sorcerries can be used to create drinkable water. In every aspect, Aseria will lose this war, especially if it goes on for too long. Allisia kisses Myne in their room, and she holds her hand.

Allisia : Should you really be here? You shouldn't push yourself.

Myne : A child will not stop me from leading my people, Allisia. When the time comes, I will retreat to a safe position.

Allisia : You do remember when you took Kyran?

Myne : Yes. That man... calling himself a Girahan diety. Theta. No doubt he will be here, and we are prepared for him. Were we able to transport the stone from Ashenforte?

Allisia : Yes. It has gone completely white now.

Myne : Good. That will wait for him then.

Allisia : Do you think he would show himself? What if we were to attack the epicenter? He may come then.

Myne : He is a coward if anything. During that fight, he let his companions die, shielding himself instead of others. I wouldn't be surprised if he tossed others into the line of fire to save himself now. I wouldn't put it past him.

Allisia : Myne?

Myne : I am fine. I'm just... remembering some thing in the past I suppressed. Talking about it dredged scenes of people I once knew, dying. I know it was my fault, but I had no choice as they stood in front of what I have built today. A strong country, Gahlne and Kyran unified.

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