Chapter 17 - The Day Dies

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They clean up after celebrating in the Erradian District, and Karia and her troops retreat to the epicenter. Eredhart approaches her.

Eredhart : Captain Besera, have you had any success?

Karia : The fighting always leads to a stalemate, Commander. Their sorcery is negated, and our steel can barely scratch their defenses. We've tried almost every angle and tactic we know.

Eredhart : I see... this comes down to a test of patience and willpower. We will have the advantage, as we are walled and fortified.

Karia : May I suggest something?

Eredhart : Of course.

Karia : Most of their troops use sorcery, so if we have a way of disabling their catalysts, we can use that to our advantage.

Eredhart : I see. There is a way. A metal called Anthracite, found near the the coal that shares the same name. It draws mana out of things, and could be used to disable catalysts. The problem is is that Anthracite can become a mana crystal through this process, and if they learn of it, they will know they can use it. Head to the forge, we can easily create rods of the material and hide them in the ground.

Karia : As you wish, Sir.

Karia and her troops leave and go to the craftsmen in the epicenter. They collect all the anthracite they hold, and begin melting it to create rods. After a couple of hours, the rods are ready. Half of her troops stay behind, while the other half plant the rods in the ground. Karia leads a team into a building behind where the sorcerers  usually stand on the walls, and the majority of the rods are left there. They leave them coated in wax, which will soften and melt as the temperature rises in the building during the day. Her troops with her hear footsteps heading up to where they are, and they escape through the windows by crawling up onto the roof. The door opens, and it is Eredhart.

Eredhart : ...These rods. Why are they up here instead?... Where is Karia? Soldier, go find the captain!

As the soldier leaves, Eredhart checks the room. He finds the window is slightly cracked open, and opens it. A soldier kicks him to the floor into the room, and Karia and her troops enter the room. She punches Eredhart before he can yell, knocking him unconscious.

Karia : Strip him and tie him up. We can't let him go. We'll take care of the soldier later. Make sure the knots are tight, give him no room.

The soldiers take off all of Eredharts belongings and tie him up. They gag him with roe wrapping around his head and cloth in his mouth. As he wakes up, he finds Karia and her soldiers sitting with her.

Karia : Sorry, Commander. We had to. You'll see why later. Toss him inside with Eredhart, and lock the door. Two of you stay guard in front of the room, I'll send another set to take your spot by noon. Once nightfall hits, just leave them and join us.

Karia and a few soldiers leave, while two stay behind and knock the Commander and the other soldier out cold again. Karia hands a letter to one of the soldiers.

Karia : Let the rest know I've departed to "negotiate". I'll return with more details and let the others know.

Soldier : Yes, Captain!

Karia hops onto her horse, and rides out of the epicenter. As she rides to the Erradian District, a fireball is sent her way. It knocks her off her horse, but both are unscathed. She takes out Vilora, and looks around. A sorcerer comes out from behind the rocks, and points their catalyst at her.

Assassin : Captain Karia Besera! You will pay for your crimes of treachery! The Black Eye of Aseria will have your head!

Karia : This doesn't seem like something I can talk myself out of.

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