Chapter 4 - The Abyss of Regret

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Myros : Myne, we have word from Aseria.

Myne : Of what?

Myros : They will send diplomats, and help bring peace between Gahlne and Kyran.

Myne : What about the assault they held yesterday? A whole squadron isn't a number they would be willing to let go.

Myros : You've done well do far, Myne. I believe it is time.

Myne : Father?

Myros : With all the power bestowed in me, I name you Gahlne's new Queen. Queen Myne. You've made me proud, Myne. As the former king-

Myne : Father! ...I can't.

Myros : Myne?

Myne : I've ruined people's lives, father... those back in Kyran. Something took over me last night, and I wasn't myself... I am only a murderer with a high title.

Myros : Nonsense! You protected your people and your country, just as I have in the past and our ancestors before us.

Myne : No... this is different, father. A Kyran squadron is around three hundred people. I sent three hundred people to their death. I... am a coward. I used our people to commit a massacre for me. I could have fought, but I stayed behind their shields.

Myros : AS ROYALTY SHOULD, MYNE! I... I didn't mean to shout at you. Your safety means our future, Myne.

Myne : I'm... sorry.

Myros : It is alright, come.

Myros hugs Myne, but she pushes her father away.

Myne : No... Only punishment is fit for me.

Myros : Myne, there's no need-

Myne : Exile.

Myros : Myne. Do you understand what you are saying?

Myne : I am not Gahlnese, nor Kyran. I am a coward. Father, I will only return once I learned how to fight and fend for myself. No one should have to be my shield. No one should die because of my mistakes.

Myne leaves the palace, with Myros chasing after her. She hops onto her horse, and rides out of the city crying. Myros sends orders to go look for her, but she is already making her way towards the western coast.

Myne : I'm sorry for pushing you so hard, Iala. We have to hurry. But what am I even running for? I left everything behind. They're going to use my research to destroy Kyran in the time I leave. Will the diplomats from Aseria actually matter? Am I a coward, or worse? I might have just doomed Girah...

She arrives to Kyran's ports, and leaves Iala behind. She boards a boat and stows away in the cargo, waiting for departure. She knows the boats leave to the western continent, but not the reason. Exile awaits, so she sleeps. The thud of the boat hitting the shore wakes Myne back up, and she sneaks out of the cargo before the guards find her. While they pass by the door to enter, she squeezes through the window and falls onto the beach. She looks up, and sailors are staring right at her. She uses their baffledness to get up and start running, but they don't give chase.

Myne : They... left me alone?

She says before a rope tightens around her ankles and lifts her into the air. As she hangs freely, a large individual comes through the brush clad in steel.

??? : I told those damned sailors to keep their kin away from our lands.

His voice is heavy and gravely. Myne gulps, and she is stricken with silence from fear.

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