Chapter 9 - Cold

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It is a few days after the private funeral held for Myros. Myne and Myran have finished grieving, returning to their duties as rulers. Allisia has risen in rank, becoming Myne's personal advisor, along with her previous duties in the economic department. She offers Myne a cup of tea while she sits on the throne, and Myne declines.

Myne : Have our troops finally been mended?

Allisia : We are about five hundred short, my lady. The assault on Aseria will have to wait until then.

Myne : ...What of my brother's troops?

Allisia : King Myran has his military sorted. They also have apparently tamed beasts to use in combat, but they will reserve the at a later date.

Myne : Why?

Allisia : I was told they are still somewhat non-compliant. Having a second enemy on the battlefield on the troops would hurt ourselves, and lead to our defeat, is what I am told my lady.

Myne : We cannot wait until children mature... and Aseria is clearly waiting for us to meet on their territory.

Allisia : May I suggest something, my lady?

Myne : Go ahead.

Allisia : What if we were to infiltrate? If Aseria is waiting for us to invade, we have as much time as we want.

Myne : Allisia? Are you suggesting we send children and foster parents to live among them?

Allisia : Yes, my lady. I am aware of your past, and I assure you my plan is different. Instead of having just one, we have multiple spies. Maybe three children, six parents. If it is over ten adults, they may just sink the ship.

Myne : True. Aseria is currently in the dark of our situation so we may be able to lie to our advantage. The research on the anti-sorcery materials, how far has it come?

Allisia : So far we can enchant steel with negation sorcery. The researchers believe it may be enough, and may need some individuals to test them.

Myne : Good. If we can equip them with anti-sorcery weapons and armor, it should make quick work of their mages.

Allisia : The issue would be the children. They will outgrow their equipment.

Myne : As long as they have their weapons and shields, it should be enough. We must count on the foster parents to teach them in combat.

Allisia : My lady, will you bear a child for this mission?

Myne : ...I haven't thought about it. It feels unnatural for a woman like me to bear children. I have too much blood on my hands.

Allisia : What of an heir, my lady?

Myne : Hm... You're right. Without an heir, the throne is left empty. Aghh, damn it. Find some men for me.

Allisia : What are your preferences, my lady?

Myne : ...Do I have to say?

Allisia : Are you... embarrassed, my lady?

Myne : N-not at all...

Allisia : List some features you like, my lady.

Myne : ...Black hair, no facial hair..., not too dark.

Allisia : Handsome?

Myne : O-of course!

Allisia : I shall take my leave and procure you a lover, my lady.

Myne : He isn't to be single use! I'm looking for my king!

Alissia leaves the palace after bowing to Myne. She checks every bar, farm and college in Gahlne, but to no avail. She enters a guard bounty station to take a break.

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