Chapter 11 - Vigor

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Sevah : Miss Gerahin. You would like to study at the college?

Allisia : Yes, specifically I would like to develop my own sorcery.

Sevah : We don't have catalysts here, Miss Gerahin. May I suggest you use the stone?

Allisia : I will, but creating a new sorcery is my goal.

Sevah : I see. Please, follow me and we will finish your enrollment. While enrolled, you are free to leave and come back anytime to finish your studies.

They enter a large room, and the smooth bulbous stone sits in the center. It is completely a deep purple hue.

Sevah : Touch it, and good luck. I shall bring you to our infirmary while you undergo the process.

Allisia places her hand onto the stone, and is immediately sent to a dream.

Originis : Child, I can see within your mind. What you wish is the bane of all my gifts.

Allisia : Precisely.

Originis : Do you believe you have the will to wield it? It is primal. Feral. Unyielding.

Allisia : I can control it.

Originis : You say that confidently, but the effects on those who you use it on. It will leave them scarred. Senseless. Null. That is what it means to be struck by the Void. There has been only one other person who had access to this sorcery. A murderer who thought he can take advantage of my gifts. So this sorcery etches itself onto your heart, and should you defy me, it will constrict. Bind. Kill.

Allisia : I will use it in your name.

Allisia wakes up, and feels heart near her heart.

Savah : The engravings are different. Around your waist and pointing to the center of your back. What did she gift you with?

Allisia : My sorcery. She called it Void.

Savah : Void? Would you like to test it?

Allisia : Yes, but she told me there would be consequences if it is used improperly. My heart is engraved, and she will kill me if I use it against her teachings.

Savah : ...Miss Gerahin. What exactly did you recieve?

Allisia : The sorcery I wanted to create. Anti-sorcery. The bane of sorcery.

Savah : Is it offensive? Defensive?

Allisia : I believe it is to be both. I plan on only testing it defensively. For that I will need sorcery to be used against me.

Savah : ...Follow me. I shall take you to our training grounds.

They leave the infirmary, and head to the top floor. The sorcery instructor, Arventi, is standing by the entrance. He has a sharp look to him.

Arventi : You are our newest addition to the college? Allisia Gerahin?

Allisia : I am.

Arventia : You were the advisor to the Queen, no?

Allisia : I still am. I am currently taking a break from my duties to pursue my own goals.

Arventia : I see. Well, if you are here, that means you passed the screening and have touched the stone. Offensive or defensive, which role do you want to choose?

Allisia : Defensive.

She walks to the other side of the line marked on the floor, and Arventia moves to his position.

Arventia : I use crystal sorcery. Should your defense fail, I will bring up a wall to block any of the remaining projectiles heading your way.

Allisia feels within her mind, and she inhales.

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