Chapter 8 - Land of the Branded

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Myne looks out of the window to see a vast sea of green grass. Pastures and villages, farmland clear cut into the land. She holds her father's hand on his bed.

Myne : Shall I call for Myran and his kin to come?

Myros : Yes... I am growing too weak, Myne, but I am happy. You resemble her, too much.

Myne : I understand father. Please, rest. You need it.

Myros : I am proud of you, and your brother. I was wrong to ever doubt you, Myne.

Myne : Thank you, father. Rest now.

She places his hand onto his chest, and kisses her father on the cheek. Upon leaving the room, her economic advisor comes to her.

Allisia : My lady, Queen Myne! We must discuss the compensation of the workers during the four years. It comes to a payment of roughly a hundred thousand silver per worker. Each manager has their workers still listed during that time, and we can also add the bonuses given for every five hours.

Myne : Thank you, Allisia. Bring me the names and numbers of workers. We can assess how many funds need to be distributed.

Allisia : With haste, my lady!

Allisia runs away to go to each department to get the names and amount of workers to compensate. Myne heads over to the couriers.

Courier : My lady, Queen Myne. Do you need to send a message?

Myne : Urgently, to Kyran. Addressed to King Myran, he needs to come see his father. Time is of the essence. Go! Write as you ride!

Courier : T-that isn't safe, my lady!

Myne : Keep the message to yourself. This one is private. Very private.

Courier : Of course, my lady!

The Courier leaves, message in hand. He rides out of the city, and Myne heads back to her father's side.

Myros : You're finished with your duties... so soon?

Myne : For now. Myran and Ensilia should be here by noon.

Myros : You need to find an heir, you know.

Myne : I... understand, father.

Myros : I won't be ashamed if he's a commoner. It seems like anything is possible nowadays.

Myne : ...Yes father.

Myros : What is your type in men? I could probably remember some faces still.

Myne : I don't need help with that father, thank you.

Myros : Haha, you know I'm joking with you! Haha...hrugh hack!

Myne : Father! Lay down, it's going to get worse if you sit up.

Myros : I know. There's just a hope that I can still be around, but I know you'll be fine as queen. I never needed to worry about you.

Myne : Thank you, father... Do you know anything of Aseria? Their armies, combat?

Myros : Are you looking for war so soon?

Myne : They are still in the shadows, father. The man named Theta, and those diplomats. They were all assassins, weren't they?

Myros : Yes. If... Aseria had anything left in their heads, they know our alliance is through. You do have royal Aserian blood, your mothers. Should you defeat them, you can take their thrones as well.

Myne : It isnt about defeating them, as it is sending a message. I plan on leaving them defenseless, relying on a militia of farmhands and cowards. To let them remember that Girahan can and will decimate them. They rely solely on old sorcery, which requires time to chant and cast.

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